@misc{eprints1498, month = {April}, title = {APPLICATION OF AUGMENTED REALITY TECHNOLOGY IN THE ELECTRONIC MAP APPLICATION OF TRADITION DIVERSITY ON THE ISLAND OF SUMATERA}, author = {PUTRA KURNIAWAN A}, address = {MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM}, publisher = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, year = {2013}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/1498/}, abstract = {Indonesia is a rich country in tradition and cultural diversity, but the sensitivity of society to cultural values tend to decrease. Electronic maps of indigenous biodiversity on the island of Sumatra is a media that serves as a teaching aid to introduce these cultural elements. With the utilization of computer technology is expected to media delivery will be more interesting for the society. The technology used in electronic map applications are augmented reality technology, technology that combines the virtual world into the real world. Augmented reality technology is developed by using a library-based programming ARToolkit C. to develop augmented reality applications required 3D model or object which is designed by using software blender-2.49b-windows. Hopefully with this application, cultures in Indonesia continues to better known by the public and raise the image of Indonesia as a country rich in culture.} }