@misc{eprints150, month = {Desember}, title = {THE EFFECT OF STUDENTS? SELF-ESTEEM ON THEIR ENGLISH SPEAKING ABILITY AT THE SECOND YEAR OF SMPN 14 BANDAR LAMPUNG}, author = {Ratih Septiana Putri Edy}, address = {Universitas Lampung}, publisher = {Fakultas KIP}, year = {2013}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/150/}, abstract = {Self-esteem is the feeling about ourselves that guides our behavior, influences our attitudes, and drives our motivation. Therefore, the objectives of the research are to investigate the effect of students? self-esteem and their speaking ability at the second year of SMPN 14 Bandar Lampung and to find out which level is better among low, normal and high self-esteem on their speaking ability. This research is a quantitative research, which uses ex-post facto design. Thirty students have been taken as samples through probability sampling by using simple random sampling. The data were gained by administering questionnaire about the students? self-esteem, and speaking test to find out the students? speaking score. There were no treatments conducted in this research. The data were analyzed by using one way Anova. The result of the analysis shows that self-esteem has effect on students? speaking ability. The result of the analysis shows f-value is higher than f-table (81.75 {\ensuremath{>}}33.50) with p{\ensuremath{<}}0.001. Therefore, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. It means that students? self-esteem has effect on their speaking ability. Furthermore, the result also shows that the students with high self-esteem reaches the highest score in speaking ability with mean of 87.40, while students with normal self-esteem reaches mean of 77.80, and students with low self-esteem reaches mean of 66.80. It means that high self-esteem has better effect on students? speaking ability.} }