%0 Journal Article %A 0643042029, Nadia Nathania %F eprints:15071 %J Digital Library %T IMPROVING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY THROUGH WORD ASSOCIATION TECHNIQUE AT THE SECOND YEAR OF SMP NEGERI 2 METRO (CLASSROOM ACTION RESEARCH) %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/15071/ %X Classroom Action Research is a continual process of search of formal organization for devising solution for the everyday difficulties of classroom life. In this research, this Classroom Action Research (CAR) was intended to find out whether word association technique can improve students’ vocabulary achievement and teacher’s teaching performance or not. This research was conducted at SMPN 2 Metro in the second year 2011/2012. The subject of the research was the second year students. This research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four steps. They are planning, action, observation, and reflection. Planning involves the determination of the question that needs answering and strategy to be used. Action is a stage where the practitioner tries out the strategy. Observation stage includes the recording data on the result of the strategy. At last, in the reflection stage the researcher concludes that a new cycle can begin. The result of the research shows that in cycle 1, the achievement on vocabularies targeted was still weak. The researcher found that it was only 23 students (66 %) who were able to do 80 % activities targeted. Next, there were some aspects of teacher’s performance that need to be improved. It can be seen from teacher’s performance score in cycle 1 which was only 61 (the standard of teacher’s performance is at least 80) This result was completely improved in cycle 2 where significant improve of students’ vocabulary achievement and teacher‘s performance happened. There were 32 students (91 %) who did more than 80 % of the activities and the teacher got score 87 for her teaching performance. The increase was because of the use of word association technique in the teaching learning process. From the result above, it can be concluded that the use of word association technique can improve students’ vocabulary achievement and the teacher’s performance in the Classroom Action Research.