%A Siti Amalina Santi Ahmad %T IMPLEMENTING EXCLUSIVE LEARNING MODEL IN IMPROVING STUDENTS? SPEAKING SKILL AT THE FIRST GRADE OF SMA NEGERI 9 BANDAR LAMPUNG (Action Research) %X EXCLUSIVE Learning Model is a learning model which is developed based on Students Centred Learning (SCL) approach and metacognitive learning strategy and the main syntax of this model consists of Exploring, Clustering, Simulating, Valuing, and Evaluating. This research is conducted to provide an effective learning model for the teachers in teaching speaking that can improve the students? speaking ability of the first year students of SMA Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung. The objectives of this research are to find out whether EXCLUSIVE learning model can be used to improve the students? speaking skill, students? participation during the teaching learning process, and teacher?s teaching performance. This is an Action Research conducted in three cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The subject of the research is the students of class 2 Social 2. The indicators of the research are based on learning product, which is the improvement of students? speaking score, and learning process, which is based on the improvement of the students? participation and teacher?s teaching performance after the model is being applied. The results of the research show that, in cycle 1, students? speaking mean score is only 65.87, but in cycle 2, the students? speaking mean score has improved to 71 and in cycle 3 improves to 77.2. In learning process from cycle 1 to cycle 2, some students who are not active in the exploring and clustering steps has improved to be more active and the teacher has overcome the problems especially in exploring and clustering step by applying modeling and group discussion as the technique. From cycle 2 to cycle 3, the students who are passive in doing speaking become more active and the teacher has no problem in implementing the model. Referring to the result of the research, it shows that EXCLUSIVE learning model can be used to improve students? speaking skill, students? participation during the teaching learning process, and teacher?s teaching performance. %C Universitas Lampung %D 2013 %I Fakultas KIP %L eprints152