@article{eprints15215, month = {Desember}, title = {EVALUASI PROGRAM PENDIDIKAN SISTEM GANDA PADA PROGRAM KEAHLIAN MULTIMEDIA DI SMK TEKNOLOGI DAN INDUSTRI BHAKTI UTAMA BANDAR LAMPUNG }, author = {Indarwati 0723011032}, year = {2012}, journal = {Digital Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/15215/}, abstract = {Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian evaluasi dari penyelenggaraan pendidikan sistem ganda di sekolah menengah kejuruan. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan informasi dan pengambilan keputusan tentang Context, Input, Process dan Product penyelenggaraan pendidikan sistem ganda. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan model CIPP meliputi context evaluation, input evaluation, process evaluation,dan product evaluation. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan studi dokumentasi kepada 47 siswa program keahlian multimedia. Analisis data dilakukan dengan membandingkan hasil temuan penelitian dengan kriteria evaluasi. Dari temuan penelitian diperoleh bahwa:1)komponen context yang meliputi visi dan misi, kurikulum yang menjadi acuan PSG dan dukungan pimpinan menjadi pendukung yang baik dalam penyelenggaraan PSG .2)komponen input terkait sarana prasarana, sumber daya manusia dan karakteristik siswa kurang baik. 3)komponen process yang meliputi perencanaan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan penyelenggaraan prakerin cukup baik. 4)komponen product yang ditunjukkan dari hasil penilaian siswa melakukan prakerin diperoleh 28\% siswa lulus cukup, 68\% siswa lulus baik dan 4\% siswa lulus amat baik. Kata Kunci : evaluasi context,evaluasi input ,evaluasi process, dan evaluasi product, Pendidikan Sistem Ganda This research is an evaluation of a dual system of education in vocational high school. The research aim is to give information and judgement the evaluation of Context, Input, Process and Product dual system of education. Research using CIPP model approach includes context evaluation, input evaluation, process evaluation, and product evaluation. The data is collected by observation and documentary study of the 47 students of multimedia skills program. Analysis is done by comparing with the evaluation criteria. The finding of the research showed that: 1) component of context that includes vision and mission which is used to dual system of education curriculum and support from headmaster become good support in the implementation of dual system education. 2) component of input related with infrastructure, human resources and student characteristics are not good.3) component of process that includes lesson planning, implementation of dual system of education has good criteria. 4) component of product showed by assessment results of students doing dual system of education get 28\% of students passed with quite good result, 68\% of students passed with goodresult and 4\% of student passed with very good result. Key note : context evaluation, input evaluation, process evaluation, and product evaluation, dual system educational program } }