@misc{eprints15237, month = {Nopember}, title = {THE COMPARISON BETWEEN FIELD DEPENDENT STUDENTS AND FIELD INDEPENDENT STUDENTS IN READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT AT THE SECOND GRADE OF SMAN 1 KOTAAGUNG}, author = {1113042079 Sulistiana}, address = {Universitas Lampung}, publisher = {Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan}, year = {2015}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/15237/}, abstract = {The objective of this research was to find out whether there was a significant difference between students of field dependent and field independent in reading comprehension achievement. Theoretically, field dependent students tend to have group discussion and field independent students tend to finish their tasks individually. This research used quantitative method that was conducted at the second grade students of SMAN 1 Kotaagung consisting of 32 students in each class. The researcher took one class as try out class; it was XI MIA 3 and one class as a sample class; it was XI MIA 2. The students in the sampled class were classified into two groups, they were field dependent and field independent students. To collect the data, the researcher used questionnaire and reading comprehension test. The researcher used Ex Post Facto design and the data were analyzed by using Independent Group t-test. The finding of the research revealed that there was a significant difference between the students of field dependent and field independent in reading comprehension achievement at the second grade students of SMAN 1 Kotaagung. The result showed that there were 17 students belonged to the field dependent group and 15 students belonged to the field independent group. The mean score of the reading test in the field dependent group was 62.06 and the mean score of the test in field independent group was 75.00. The result of computation showed that the significant value was smaller than alpha (Sign{\ensuremath{<}}?, 0.00{\ensuremath{<}}0.05) and t-value was higher than t-table (t0{\ensuremath{>}}ttab, 4.18{\ensuremath{>}}1.69). In this case, the result of this research proved that there was a significant difference between students of field dependent and field independent in reading comprehension achievement. In the other words, field independent students were better than field dependent students in reading comprehension achievement. Keyword: field dependent, field independent, reading comprehension achievement} }