@article{eprints15323, title = {HUBUNGAN MOTIVASI KERJA GURU, PEMANFAATAN MEDIA, DAN SUPERVISI KLINIS DENGAN KOMPETENSI PEDAGOGIK GURU PAI DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN KOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG }, author = {RISGIYANTO 0723011068}, journal = {Digital Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/15323/}, abstract = {Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan antar: (1) motivasi kerja guru dengan kompetensi pedogogik; (2) pemanfaatan media dengan kompetensi pedogogik, (3) intensitas supervisi klinis kepala sekolah dengan kompetensi pedogogik, (4) motivasi kerja guru, pemanfaatan media, intensitas supervisi klinis kepala sekolah dengan kompetensi pedogogik guru PAI di SMK Kota Bandar Lampung. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan survey korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian sebanyak 33 guru. Data penelitian diperoleh dengan angket dan observasi serta data dianalisis dengan teknik korelasi produk moment. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya hubungan yang positif, erat, dan signifikan antara: (1) motivasi kerja guru dengan kompetensi pedagogik dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,514; (2) pemanfaatan media dengan kompetensi pedagogik dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,779; (3) Intensitas pelaksanaan supervisi klinis oleh kepala sekolah dengan kompetensi pedagogik dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,665; (4) motivasi kerja guru, pemanfaatan media, dan intensitas pelaksanaan supervisi klinis oleh kepala sekolah secara bersama-sama dengan kompetensi pedagogik dengan koefisien korelasi 0,816. Keempat hipotesis tersebut sesuai dengan kriteria uji yaitu positif karena r {\ensuremath{>}} 0, erat karena rhitung {\ensuremath{>}} 0,400; dan signifikan karena r hitung {\ensuremath{>}} r tabel 0,335. Kata Kunci; motivasi kerja guru, pemanfaatan media, intensitas supervisi klinis, kompetensi pedagogik , Pendidikan Agama Islam Research purposes is to analyzing the relationship between motivation work teacher, utilization of media, intensity of the execution of clinical supervision by a schoolmaster, against competence pedagogik haphazardly and together. Population in this research is all religious teacher Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan In Bandar Lampung. Whole populations taken as samples 33 teacher. Data obtained by spreading poll while competence pedagogic using observations and mixed with employing correlation products moment. The research results obtained are no relationship: (1) the motivation of teachers work with hussy significantly with correlation coefficient of 0,514; positive because r {\ensuremath{>}}0, closely because r {\ensuremath{>}} 0,400. Teachers who have the motivation to work will have high pedagogic competence; (2) the utilization of media with hussy significantly with correlation coefficient of 0,779; positive because r {\ensuremath{>}}; 0, closely because r{\ensuremath{>}} 0.400. teachers who have the ability to make use of the media is either going to have a good pedagogic competence; (3) the intensity of implementing clinical supervision by the principal with the hussy significantly with correlation coefficient of 0,665; positive because r {\ensuremath{>}} 0, closely because r{\ensuremath{>}} 0,400. Teachers who acquire clinical supervision will have high pedagogic competence; (4) the motivation of teachers work, the utilization of media, and the intensity of the exercise of clinical supervision by principals together with correlation coefficient hussy with 0,816. The fourth hypothesis is in accordance with the test criteria that is positive because r {\ensuremath{>}} 0, closely because r {\ensuremath{>}} 0,400; and significant because r count {\ensuremath{>}} r table 0,335. Key word; Motivation work teachers the media supervision, clinical intensity competence pedagogik teachers muslim religious education } }