%A EVA MARISSA SAVITRI 0413042023 %J Digital Library %T A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF STUDENTS? VOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT BETWEEN THE STUDENTS WHO ARE TAUGHT THROUGH LOGICO AND THOSE TAUGHT THROUGH TRANSLATION AT THE THIRD YEAR OF SDN 6 METRO PUSAT KOTA METRO %X Vocabulary is a base of language skill which should be learned by the students from the early age. The aim of this quantitative research is to find out whether there is a significant difference of students? vocabulary mastery in terms of noun between the students who are taught through Logico and those through translation. Pretest posttest design was applied. This experimental method deals with two group: as experimental class, taught through Logico and a control class taught through translation. The population of this research was the third year of SD N 6 Metro Pusat. Both classes are given three treatments by using Logico and Translation. The data gained from this research were statistically analyzed by using Independent T-test through SPSS 16.0 for Windows. The result showed that there was a significant difference of students? vocabulary mastery in terms of noun between the students who are taught through Logico and those who are taught through translation. The hypothesis test showed the value of two tail significant was p= 0. 000. The mean of the experimental class increase (17, 33) and it was higher than control class (8). It means that experimental class has a better improvement after the treatments. %L eprints15333