%0 Journal Article %A 0743042009, Elfina Putri Setiawan %D 2012 %F eprints:15416 %J Digital Library %T INCREASING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY MASTERY THROUGH FLASHCARD AT THE FIFTH GRADE OF SDN 2 METRO SELATAN KOTA METRO %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/15416/ %X Learning language cannot be separated from learning vocabulary because the language itself consists of vocabulary. From that statement above, it is clear that people who learn a language will automatically learn its vocabulary. The objective of this research is to find out whether there is any significant increase of the students’ vocabulary mastery at the fifth grade of SDN 2 Metro Selatan after they are taught by using flashcard especially content word in term of verb, noun, and adjective. This research used one group pre test post test design. The population of this research was SD N 2 Metro Selatan. The sample of this research was VA in academic year 2010/2011. In collecting the data the writer administered the pretest, treatment, and post test. Vocabulary test in multiple choices forms was used as the instrument of the research. The data was analyzed by using repeated measure t- test in Statistical Package For Social Science (SPSS) version 15.0 for windows program in which the significance was determined by p<0.05. The test result showed that the mean of pretest in the class that is given the treatments is 64.44 meanwhile the means score of post test is 80.47. After comparing the result of the pretest and post test scores, it was found that there is an increase of students’ vocabulary mastery: the gain of pretest and post test is 16.04. The result of T-test computation shows that t-value is higher than t-table that is (13.273 > 2.060). The hypothesis test showed the value of two tail significant was (2-tailed) value was 0.000 (p< 0.05, p=0.000). The result showed that flashcard can increase students’ vocabulary mastery at the fifth grade of SDN 2 Metro Selatan.