%0 Thesis %9 Other %A 0413042010, SIGIT WIYONO %B FKIP %D 2010 %F eprints:15418 %I Universitas Lampung %T IMPROVING STUDENT'S ABILITY IN PRODUCINGPROCEDURAL TEXT THROUGH PICTURE SEQUENCE TECHNIQUE AT THE FIRST YEAR OF SMA KOSGORO BANDAR SRIBHAWONO %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/15418/ %X Referring to the preliminary test that was held at the first year of SMA KOSGORO Sribhawono Lampung Timur, the researcher found that many students could not express their idea smoothly in written form, although they had been given the topic and the picture sequence to write about how to make the steps in accomplishing something. It seemed that they had difficulties to express their ideas and to expand their imagination about the picture, where as they knew what have to be written, which might be caused by the unsuitable teaching method used by the teacher to teach writing. Further more; teaching method used by which covered not only the students understanding and producing in writing activities but The objectives of the research were to find out whether picture sequence technique improve o find out whether picture sequence technique improve when the teacher is implementing picture sequence as the media to teach procedural text, to find out whether teaching procedural text through picture sequence technique improve student during the teaching learning process. The research was conducted at SMA KOSGORO Sribhawono Lampung Timur. The subject of the research was students of first grade in the academic year 2009-2010. This Classroom Action Research (CAR) was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle was comprised of planning, action, observation and interpretation, analysis and reflection. The researcher used indicators dealing with the learning product and learning process. To collect the data of the learning product and process, the writer used writing test and observation as the instruments. The result of the learning product showed that the picture sequence technique was applicable r 79,41% students who gained scores 60 or more, while in cycle II there were approximately 31 students or 91.18% students who gained score 60 or more than 60.