@misc{eprints1543, month = {Pebruari}, title = {THE SERVER DEVELOPMENT OF PULSES SERVICE FOR SALE TRANSACTION OF ELECTRONIC PULSES WITH WATERFALL MODEL BASED ON OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING}, author = {ANNISA SOFYANTI Suhada}, address = {MATEMATIKA DAN ILMU PENGETAHUAN ALAM}, publisher = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, year = {2014}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/1543/}, abstract = {Mostly use of mobile phones today resulted in increased demand for mobile phone users in charging pulses. Currently mobile users often come to a counter that sells various types of pulses, either physical or electronic vouchers to fill their pulses. But there are also several pulses agencies that serve the purchases pulses by ordering electronics pulses via the SMS system. In this research the system was developed as a service server pulses to pulses electronic sales transaction based on Object Oriented Programming. This system was build using PHP and MySQL database for data storage process. This system design using Waterfall and SMS gateway is used to facilitate the sale transaction automatically.} }