@misc{eprints15485, month = {Nopember}, title = {FORMULASI VIRGIN COCONUT OIL (VCO) DAN PENGEMULSI LESITIN KEDELAI TERHADAP STABILITAS EMULSI DAN SIFAT SENSORI PASTA KACANG MERAH}, author = {1014051015 SUCI MARITA DAMAIYANTI }, address = {Universitas Lampung}, publisher = {Fakultas Pertanian}, year = {2015}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/15485/}, abstract = {Kacang merah dan VCO merupakan bahan pangan yang produksinya melimpah di Indonesia, tetapi belum dimanfaatkan secara optimal. Pada penelitian ini kacang merah dan VCO diolah menjadi produk pasta kacang merah sebagai upaya diversifikasi pangan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan formulasi penambahan minyak VCO dan lesitin yang tepat untuk menghasilkan pasta kacang merah dengan stabilitas emulsi dan sifat organoleptik terbaik. Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok Lengkap (RAKL) dengan satu faktor dan 4 kali ulangan. Perlakuan penelitian adalah perbandingan VCO dan lesitin (K) sebanyak 6 taraf, yaitu K1 (30\%:0,25\%), K2 (45\%:0,25\%), K3 (60\%:0,25\%), K4 (30\%:0,5\%), K4 (45\%:0,5\%), K6 (60\%:0,5\%). Data hasil penelitian diuji kesamaan ragam dengan uji Bartlet dan kemenambahan data dengan uji Tuckey. Data dianalisis dengan sidik ragam untuk mendapatkan penduga ragam galat dan uji signifikansi untuk mengetahui pengaruh antar perlakuan. Selanjutnya data diuji lanjut menggunakan BNT pada taraf 5\% dan 1\%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa K4 adalah perlakuan terbaik yang menghasilkan pasta kacang merah dengan skor tekstur sebesar 3,450 (agak suka), skor warna sebesar 3,675 (suka), skor aroma sebesar 3,650 (suka), skor rasa sebesar 3,775 (suka), skor daya oles sebesar 3,375 (suka), stabilitas emulsi sebesar 0,247\%. Analisis proksimat pada formulasi K4 menunjukkan bahwa kadar air, lemak, karbohidrat, protein, abu, dan serat kasar berturut-turut sebesar 30,01\%, 11,57\%, 50,45\%, 6,48\%, 1,49\%, dan 8,97\%. Kata kunci: kacang merah pasta, VCO, lesitin, stabilitas emulsi ABSTRACT BAHASA INGGRIS FORMULATION OF VIRGIN COCONUT OIL (VCO) AND EMULSIFIER LECHITIN OF SOY TO EMULTION STABILITY AND SENSORY CHARACTERISTIC THE RED BEANS PASTE Red beans and VCO are kind of foods produced abundantly in Indonesia, but these were underutilized. In this research, red beans and VCO were processed into red beans paste product as food diversification efforts. The objective of this research was to obtain the best formulation of VCO and lechitin addition to produce the best emultion stability and sensory characteristic of the red beans paste. The experiment was arranged in a Complete Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with one factor and four repetitions. The treatments had 6 comparison levels of VCO and lechitin (K), that were K1 (30\%:0,25\%), K2 (45\%:0,25\%), K3 (60\%:0,25\%), K4 (30\%:0,5\%), K4 (45\%:0,5\%), and K6 (60\%:0,5\%). The data were analyzed using Barlett test to find homogenity, furthermore the Tuckey test was used to test the additivity. The data were analyzed using ANOVA to get error variance estimators and significant test to knew effect between treatments, then the data were further analyzed with Least Significant Difference (LCD) test level at 5\% and 1\% level. The research results showed that K4 are the best formulation to produce red beans paste with the score of texture was 3,450 (somewhat like), the score of color was 3,675 (like), the score of flavor was 3,650 (like), the score of taste was 3,775 (like), the score of spreadability was 3,375 (like), and the emulsion stability was 0,247\%. The proximate analyzed of K4 resulted that the moisture, fat, carbohydrate, protein, ashes, and crude fiber contents were 30,01\%, 11,57\%, 50,45\%, 6,48\%, 1,49 \%, and 8,97\%, respectivelly. Keywords: red bean paste, VCO, lechitin, emultion stability} }