%0 Thesis %9 Masters %A NOFITA SARI ASTANU, 1123012031 %B FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN %D 2015 %F eprints:15674 %I Universitas Lampung %T IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM PENDIDIKAN INKLUSIF (STUDI EVALUATIF METODE CIPP DI SMA NEGERI 2 METRO) %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/15674/ %X Penelitianinibertujuanmenganalisis, mendeskripsikandanmengevaluasipengimplementasian program pendidikaninklusif di SekolahMenengahAtasNegeri 2 Metro.Penelitianinimenggunakanpendekatanpenelitiankualitatifdenganteorifenomenologi. Jenispenelitiannyaevaluatifdenganmenggunakan Model CIPP.Teknikmengumpulkan data dilakukandenganwawancara, observasidandokumentasi.Teknisanalisis data menggunakanpolainteraktif data Miles danHubberman.Hasilpenelitiandiperolehadalah (1).Contact: Pelaksanaanpendidikaninklusi di SMAN 2 Metro mengacupadaperaturanWalikota Metro dantentangpenyelenggaraanpendidikaninklusi. Penyelenggaraanpendidikaninklusibelumberjalandenganmaksimaldanmasihkurangnyakes adaranmasyarakatuntukmembantumengembangkanpendidikaninklusi. (2). Input: a. Anakmampumelakukanmodifikasiperilaku, b. menguasaikonsepdankenterampilanpembelajaranbagianak yang mengalamigangguanpenglihatan, pendengaran, intelektual, anggotatubuhdangerak, perilakudansosial. (3) Process: Proses penyelenggaraan program pendidikaninklusi di SMAN 2 Metro tidakterlepasdarikurikulum yang dikembangkannyasebagaipendukungterlaksananyapendidikaninklusi. (4) Product: Menyelenggarakanpendidikaninklusi di SMAN 2 Metro yaitumenjalinkerjasamakemitraanlintasdepartemen, sekolahjugaharusmampumenjalinkerjasamakemitraandenganmasyarakat, orang tua, parapengusaha, tokohmasyarakatdanstake holders sertaberbagaipihak yang memilikikepentingandenganpendidikan. Bisadisimpulkanbahwa proses pengadaansaranadanprasaranaberjalandenganlancar, ketersediaansaranadanprasaranabisadikatakansudahmemadai, SekolahbekerjasamadenganSekolahLuarBiasa yang beradadekatdengansekolahtersebut, bekerjasamadenganPemerintah Daerah danPemerintahPusat. Akan tetapi proses penyelenggaraanbelumberjalandenganmaksimal, masihterlihatkurangnyaperanmasyarakatterhadappenyelenggaraanpendidikaninklusifinida nada yang terlihatacuhtakacuhterhadapperkembangananaknya di sekolah. Kata kunci: Implementasi, Program PendidikanInklusif, StudiEvaluatif, Model CIPP. IMPLEMENTATION OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION PROGRAM (EVALUATIF STUDY BY USING CIPP METHOD IN PUBLIC SHS 2 METRO) This study purposed to analyze, describe and evaluate of Inclusive Education Program Implementation in Public Senior High School 2 metro. This study used qualitative approach by using phenomenology theory. The type of study was evaluative by using CIPP Model. Techniques of collecting data wereinterviewing, observations and documentations. Analysis data techniques used data interactive type of Miles and Hubberman’s theories. The results of study were (1). Contact; implementation of Inclusive Education Program referred Metro Mayor’s rules and rules related to Implementation of Inclusive Education Program. (2). Input; a. Students were able to do behavior modification, b. mastered of concept and learning activity process for blind, deaf, intellectual disorder, parts of body and movement disorder, behavior and social disorder. (3). Process; Implementation of Inclusive Education Program could not be separated by modification curriculum as a support for this program. (4). Product; Implementation of this program has main purposed to keep cooperation among public and private departments, society, parents, entrepreneurs, society’s culture leader, stake holders and a whole people who involved in education environment. It can be concluded that process of supplying infrastructures were run well. The school has cooperated with SLB (School for Special Needs Students), Regional Governmentsand Central Governments. Meanwhile the process of this implementation did not run well yet, it was a lack of society’s involvement of this program and some parents were still careless for their children in the school. Keywords: Implementation, Inclusive Education Program, Evaluative Study, CIPP Model