@mastersthesis{eprints1581, month = {September}, title = {INCREASE IN INTESTINAL AND EMBROIDERY TAPESTRY SKILLS YOUTH GIRLS THRUOGH MULTIPLE STRATEGIES TRAINING IN THE STUDIO ?RAHAYU EKSPOSINDO? BANDAR LAMPUNG}, school = {Fakultas KIP}, author = {Siti Rahayu }, year = {2011}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/1581/}, abstract = {The research aims to draft the conduct of embroidery skills training tapestry and intestines, describe the implementation of tapestry embroidery skills training and intestine, dercribing embroidery skills training evaluation system tapestry and intestine, and describe increase the embroidery skill enhancement tapestry and intestinal young girls through a variety of training strategies in the studio?Rahayu Ekspasindo? Bandar Lampung. The method used was action research and is designed through a cycle of planning, implementation, observation and reflection in the two training groups. The experiment was conducted in three cycles of action, cycle I with media images, embroidery filter and intestinal model, as well as guided practice strategies. Cycle II with media images, embroidery filter and intestine model, demonstration strategy, and the strategy of guided exercises, and cycle III with media images, a model tapestry and intestinal embroideries, demonstration strategy and independent practice strategies. The study concludes: 1) Draft prepared to follow APKG and assessed by experts of learning, both the cycle I category (score 20), cycle II category of very good (score 36) and III is also categorized as very good (score 37), 2) participants in training activities, cyclus I groups I and II are active there, cycle II active in the group I have 5 people (50\%) and group 2 there were 5 people 62,5\%, and cycle III of the active group 1 have 8 people (80\%), group II there were 7 people (87,5\%), 3) System evaluation; first cycle using the performance test is with the level of difficulty, Cycle II with medium difficulty level, cycle II with medium difficulty level, and cycle III with a high difficulty level. 4) Embroidery achievements: cycle I in accordance with criteria of Group I, there are 4 people (40\%), group II, there are 3 people (37,5\%), cycle II increased with the criteria of group I have 6 people (60\%), group II there is 5 people (62,5\%), and the appropriate criteria, cycle III in group I there were 8 people (80\%), group II there were 8 people (100\%).} }