creators_name: -, RANGGA PRAJA WANTARA type: article datestamp: 2015-12-18 07:08:20 lastmod: 2022-03-31 18:58:51 metadata_visibility: show title: EARTHQUAKE MITIGATION IMPLEMENTATION OF LEARNING THROUGH ROLE PLAYING METHOD FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR STUDENTS OF 28 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BANDAR LAMPUNG LESSONS YEAR 2010-2011 ispublished: pub subjects: General subjects: KU full_text_status: restricted abstract: Learning about earthquake taught from an early age is very important, especially for students who sit in middle school so that students have knowledge about the earthquake, had before the arrival of earthquake preparedness and mitigation can do. Learning is done in areas prone to earthquake hazards. 28 Junior High School in Bandar Lampung is one of the schools in the Kemiling area close to the place of the earthquake, which need to be considered and given learning about earthquake mitigation. One way that can be used to enhance students 'knowledge, students' affective and skills students are learning using role playing to the subject matter of the earthquake. The purpose of this study was to describe the learning outcomes earthquake mitigation cognitive, affective and psychomotor, know the best learning outcomes for cognitive, affective and psychomotor students studying earthquake mitigation of indoor, outdoor and a combination of both. The study was quasy experimental study using the 5E Learning Cycle model of learning. The research data consists Rangga Praja Wantara of qualitative and quantitative data. The results showed: (1) Model 5E Learning Cycle method implemented role playing indoor, outdoor and combinations managed to increase students' knowledge about earthquakes in the acquisition value on each of 8.04, 7.31, 6.85, all aspects of cognitive above EMC (Exhaustiveness Minimum Criteria) established by schools of 6.5. (2) Model 5E Learning Cycle using role playing method that is implemented to growth attitude student preparedness (disaster awarness) against earthquake hazards. (3) Model 5E Learning Cycle using role playing method is implemented successfully improve student skills in a simulated earthquake mitigation. (4) The result of the earthquake mitigation study on cognitive aspects, in an indoor grade better than an outdoor classroom and combinations. (5) There was no difference in learning outcomes earthquake disaster mitigation in the affective aspect, the indoor classes, outdoor classes and class combinations. (6) The result of the earthquake mitigation study on psychomotor aspects, the outdoor classroom better on indoor classes and class combinations. This means learning by using role playing to improve student learning outcomes. Key words: learning earthquake mitigation, the method of role playing, learning outcomes date: 2011 date_type: published publication: Digital Library publisher: Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan refereed: TRUE citation: -, RANGGA PRAJA WANTARA (2011) EARTHQUAKE MITIGATION IMPLEMENTATION OF LEARNING THROUGH ROLE PLAYING METHOD FOR INDOOR AND OUTDOOR STUDENTS OF 28 JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL BANDAR LAMPUNG LESSONS YEAR 2010-2011. Digital Library. document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: