creators_name: 0511011004, Demy Bayu Satriyadi type: article datestamp: 2015-12-18 07:04:15 lastmod: 2015-12-18 07:04:15 metadata_visibility: show title: Recipients Attitude Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility Program (the CSR) to The Corporate Image (Case Study on PT.TELKOM Lampung) ispublished: pub subjects: General full_text_status: public abstract: ABSTRACT Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR is the social activities of the company as part of its responsibility towards society and the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility program can also determine public attitudes toward the company. In the current environment of consumer society, corporate social responsibility can create a corporate image (corporate image) from a company. PT.Telkom use to build a positive image in the eyes of the public. The problems discussed in this research is: Are attitudes accepting corporate social responsibility program effect on corporate image on Telkom. This study aimed to determine whether corporate social responsibility program in terms of influencing corporate image. The hypothesis of this research is the attitude of corporate social responsibility program receiving a positive influence on coporate images from Telkom. The population in this study is the number of beneficiaries coporate social responsibility partner of PT Telkom Bandarlampung year 2006-2008 are as many as 375 people and after the sample is obtained by calculating as many as 79 respondents. While an analysis tool used is logistic regression analysis. Results of data analysis shows that the probability of Attitude (X) 0.000 <0.005. This suggests that attitudes have an influence on corporate image, thus the attitude of the beneficiaries of Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Image affect the formation of PT Telkom. The test of the value of Nagelkerke R 2 of 0.593. Can be described that attitude variable (X) can influence the corporate image (Y) equal to 59.3%. The rest is equal to 40.7% influenced by other variables outside the model. date_type: published publication: Digital Library refereed: TRUE citation: 0511011004, Demy Bayu Satriyadi Recipients Attitude Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility Program (the CSR) to The Corporate Image (Case Study on PT.TELKOM Lampung). Digital Library. document_url: document_url: document_url: