TY - GEN CY - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG ID - eprints1595 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/1595/ A1 - Idham Kholid,, Mohammad Fikri Nugraha Kholid Y1 - 2014/06/07/ N2 - Drill technique is the technique in Audio Lingual Method (ALM) which requires the learners to repeat the sentences the teacher says; to made the students to remember and learn. It also can be used to improve students? speaking skill. This quantitative research is intended to find out whether there is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest scores of the students? speaking skill before and after being taught through drill technique and to see which the most improved aspect of the students? speaking ability. This research was conducted at MAN 1 Bandar Lampung. Based on the pre-observation, it was found that the students still got low scores in speaking test. The sample of this research was chosen by purposive random sampling through lottery drawing, in which the chosen class was XI A3 class consisting of 32 students. The data were collected through pretests, and posttests. This research used one grouptime series design by conducting three times of pretests, three times of treatments, and three times of posttests.The data were analyzed by transcribing the students? dialog performance, scoring the pretest and posttest scores, and comparing the mean scores of pretest and posttest. Repeated measure t-test was used to analyze the data and the hypothesis testing was computed using SPSS version 17.00 at the significant level of <0.05. Based on the calculation of the t-test, the result shows that there is a difference of the students? mean score in pretest 1, which improved from 68.88 up to 84.00 in posttest 1, pretest 2 improved from 69.24 up to 83.59 in posttest 2, and pretest 3 improved from 72.13 up to 84.69 in posttest 3. The three result of pretests and posttests indicate that the significant (2-tailed) value are p=0.000, p<0.05. It means that the alternative hypotheses are accepted, since there is an improvement of the students? speaking ability before and after being taught through drill technique. Fluency is the most improved aspect in the students? speaking ability with the final gain of 4.08. Therefore, it can be concluded that drill technique can be applied and recommended as a reference to teach and to improve the students? speaking ability in the class. PB - FAKULTAS KEGURUAN DAN ILMU PENDIDIKAN TI - IMPROVING STUDENTS? SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH DRILL TECHNIQUE AT SECOND GRADE OF MAN 1 BANDAR LAMPUNG AV - restricted ER -