@unpublished{eprints15977, month = {Nopember}, title = {THE DEVELOPMENT OF INFORMATION SYSTEM OF FINANCIAL REPORT ANALYSIS (THE STUDY OF GUNUNG MADU EMPLOYER COOPERATION CASE)}, school = {Universitas Lampung}, author = {TAUFIK ISMAIL 0517032092}, year = {2015}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/15977/}, abstract = {Gunung Madu Cooperation is a cooperation that was built to fulfill the employer needed. Gunung Madu cooperation is located in sugar industrial company of PT. Gunung Madu Plantations. In calculation the last report Gunung Madu cooperation is not automaticly. The financial report analysis is h write the transaction is still manually, so it have to rewrite on to the computer. get the right information the system that was mode included : financial report database, chart of account. The result of system test shows that this system able to process account data that related with the cast transaction automaticly without double work and result financial report.} }