%0 Generic %9 Other %A Maya Adelina, 1114151044 %C Universitas Lampung %D 2015 %F eprints:16139 %I Fakultas Pertanian %T KEANEKARAGAMAN JENIS BURUNG DI HUTAN RAKYAT PEKON KELUNGU KECAMATAN KOTAAGUNG KABUPATEN TANGGAMUS %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/16139/ %X ABSTRAK Burung adalah salah satu jenis satwaliar yang banyak dimanfaatkan oleh manusia. Kondisi ekosistem alami yang terus mengalami tekanan menyebabkan perlu dilakukan berbagai upaya konservasi burung. Upaya konservasi juga perlu dilakukan di hutan rakyat. Salah satu hutan rakyat yang teridentifikasi sebagai habitat burung adalah hutan rakyat Pekon Kelungu. Hutan rakyat selain memproduksi kayu, juga berfungsi sebagai tempat perlindungan dan pelestarian keanekaragaman jenis burung. Penelitian ini perlu dilakukan karena belum adanya data mengenai keanekaragaman jenis burung di areal tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis burung yang terdapat di hutan rakyat Pekon Kelungu, Kecamatan Kotaagung, Kabupaten Tanggamus, Provinsi Lampung. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Juni 2015 dengan menggunakan metode pengamatan langsung (point count) pada tiga titik di lokasi pengamatan yaitu: perbatasan antara hutan rakyat dengan pemukiman (PC 1), antara hutan rakyat dengan hutan lindung (PC 2), dan jalur sempadan sungai (PC 3) dengan 3 kali pengulangan. Dari hasil penelitian ditemukan 27 spesies burung dari 16 famili (3018 individu). Pada tipe habitat I memiliki indeks keanekaragaman shannon (H’= 1,701) pada Tipe habitat II yaitu (H’2,630), sedangkan tipe habitat III (H’= 2,58). Kriteria indeks Shannon Wiener tersebut tergolong sedang. Indeks kesamarataan J pada tipe habitat I (J= 0,578) tergolong labil, pada tipe habitat II (J= 0,817) dan pada tipe habitat III (J= 0,801) tergolong stabil. Indeks kesamaan spesies (PC I dan II = 0,773), (PC I dan III = 0,773) kategori tinggi, (PC II dan III = 1) kategori sangat tinggi. Kata kunci: burung, keanekaragaman jenis, hutan rakyat, dan Pekon Kelungu ABSTRACT Bird is one of the wild animals that often utilized by people. Since the condition of natural ecosystems pressed continually, the conservation efforts for bird also need to be done. Conservation efforts also need to be done in other areas, one of them is at the community forest. One of the community forest identified as bird habitats is the community forest in Kelungu Village. Besides as timber production, community forest also serve as protection and preservation place of birds diversity. This research necessary because of the lack the data about the diversity of bird species in this area. The purposes of this research was to determine the diversity of bird species in the community forest Kelungu Village, Kotaagung Subdistrict, Tanggamus, Lampung Province. The research was conducted in June 2015 using a direct observation method (point count) at three points of the observation location that were the border between the community forest and the settlement (PC 1), between the palm garden and protected forest (PC 2), and river border lines (PC 3) with 3 repetitions. The results showed there were 27 bird species from 16 families (3018 individuals). The first habitat type has (H’= 1,701) Shannon Weiner diversity index. The second habitat type has (H’2,630) then the third habitat type has (H’= 2,58) were classified moderate. Evenness index in first habitat (J= 0,578) was classified relatively, in second habitat (J= 0,817) and third habitat (J= 0,801) were classified stable. Similarity index (PC I and II = 0,773) and (PC I and III = 0,773) were classified high category, (PC II and III = 1) very high category. Key words: birds, biodiversity, community forest, and Kelungu Village