%A 1017041038 Rita Budiati %T ANALISIS PENGARUH TEKANAN PADA SERAT OPTIK TERHADAP SISTEM TRANSMISI DATA BERBASIS MIKROKONTROLER ATMEGA32 DENGAN AKUISISI DATA MENGGUNAKAN MATLAB %X ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh tekanan pada serat optik terhadap sistem transmisi data. Pengaruh tekanan pada serat optik ini lebih dikenal dengan mikrobending. Mikrobending menyebabkan terjadinya deformasi pada inti serat optik dan mengakibatkan berkurangnya daya optik yang melalui serat optik. Penelitian ini meliputi pengujian kestabilan laser, pengaruh tekanan dan elastisitas serat optik. Pengujian ini menggunakan sensor fototransistor, serat optik single mode, laser dengan panjang gelombang 650 nm, catu daya, sistem minimum mikrokontroler ATMega32, rangkaian penguat IC324, dan software Matlab. Tekanan yang diberikan berasal dari variasi beban dengan massa antara 0 sampai 8 kg.Variasi beban diletakkan di atas serat optik secara terpusat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kestabilan laser cukup baik, ketika variasi beban diletakkan di atas serat optik, maka sinar laser yang diterima semakin kecil. Karena sinar laser yang diterima semakin kecil maka tegangannya akan semakin kecil juga. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan penurunan grafik seiring bertambahnya beban yang diletakkan di atas serat optik dan serat optik menunjukkan elastisitas yang cukup baik. Kata kunci: mikrobending, serat optik, sensor fototransistor. ABSTRACT The effect of mechanical pressure to the optical fiber data transmission has been done. The influence of the pressure to the optical fiber, it is acclaimed with microbending. The influence of the pressure to the optical fiber, it is acclaimed with microbending. This way makes the cause how the process of deformation decreases the optical?s voltage and also splits the central of the optical fiber become parts through this way. The researcher has conducted this research on the effect of pressure on the optical fiber to the data transmission system, involved the testing of the laser stability, the influence of the pressure and the elasticity of the optical fiber. The test of this research uses a phototransistor sensor, single mode optical fiber, a laser with a wave-length of 650 nm, power supply, the minimum system microcontroller ATMega32, amplifier circuit IC324 and Matlab software. The influence only comes from the pressure exerted by mass loaded variations range between 0 to 8 kg, and the loaded variations are placed on the optical fiber centrally. The result of this research showed that the stability of the laser is good enough, it happened on when the variations of the loaded are placed on the optical fiber, the received laser beam are getting smaller, and the voltage which has been produced at the received laser beam will be smaller as smaller as what has been formed before. Based on thus finding out, the researcher indicates there is any decrease in the graph as the increasing burden which is placed on the optical fiber whereas the optical fiber gives a fairly good elasticity. Keywords: microbending, optical fiber, phototransistor sensor. %C Universitas Lampung %D 2015 %I Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam %L eprints16189