@misc{eprints16275, month = {Desember}, title = {BAURAN PEMASARAN DAN LOYALITAS KONSUMEN TAUCO DI KOTA PRABUMULIH}, author = {Pradita Rini }, address = {Universitas Lampung}, publisher = {Fakultas Pertanian}, year = {2015}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/16275/}, abstract = {Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: bauran pemasaran dan margin pemasaran, karakteristik konsumen, atribut-atribut yang terdapat dalam tauco, serta tingkat kepuasan dan loyalitas konsumen tauco di Kota Prabumulih. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Pasar Inpres yaitu pasar tradisional di kota Prabumulih. Lokasi penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive). Responden yang diwawancarai sebanyak 60 orang ibu rumah tangga dan 12 pedagang yang terdiri dari 1 pedagang besar dan 11 pedagang pengecer yang kebetulan dijumpai di pasar (accidental sampling). Tujuan pertama dijawab dengan analisis deskriptif dan analisis margin pemasaran, tujuan ke dua dan ke tiga dijawab dengan analisis destriptif, sedangkan tujuan ke empat untuk kepuasan dianalisis menggunakan CSI (customer satisfaction index) dan untuk loyalitas konsumen dianalisis menggunakan piramida loyalitas yang terdiri dari switcher buyer, habitual buyer, satisfied buyer, liking the brand, dan committed buyer. Penelitian menunjukkan hasil sebagai berikut. Bauran pemasaran tauco terdiri dari 4P alat pemasar yaitu product, price, place, dan promotion, dengan margin pemasaran tauco yang terdiri dari saluran pertama dan ke dua, konsumen tauco rata-rata berumur 40 tahun, pendidikan SMA serta memiliki anggota keluarga 4 orang, dan penghasilan per bulan sebesar Rp5.341.666. Atribut-atribut yang terdapat dalam tauco meliputi rasa, tekstur tauco, aroma tauco, kondisi kemasan, kebersihan produk, harga tauco, kemudahan mendapatkan produk, dan promo penjualan. Konsumen tauco di kota Prabumulih memiliki tingkat kepuasan terhadap tauco yang tinggi (CSI=71,2\%). Berdasarkan piramida loyalitas, konsumen tauco termasuk pada kategori loyal di mana nilai switcher buyer hanya sebesar 6,7\%. Kata kunci: bauran pemasaran, CSI, konsumen, loyalitas, tauco abstract THE MARKETING MIX AND LOYALTY OF THE CUSTOMERS OF TAUCO IN PRABUMULIH The aims of this research are to analyze: marketing mix and marketing margin, costumer?s characteristics, attributes contained in tauco, as well as the level of customer?s satisfaction and loyalty toward tauco in Prabumulih. The research was conducted at the Inpres Market, a traditional market in Prabumulih. The research location was determined purposively. The number of interviewed respondents were 60 housewives and 12 vendors consisting of 1 wholesalers and 11 retailers who were happened to be found in the market (accidental sampling). The first objective was answered by descriptive analysis and marketing margins analysis, the second and the third were answered by descriptive analysis, whereas the fourth was calculated by analysis of CSI (customer satisfaction index) for the satisfaction, and by pyramid loyalty analysis for the loyalty. The CSI consisted of switcher buyer, habitual buyer, satisfied buyer, liking the brand, and committed buyer. The research showed that the marketing mix of tauco consisted of 4P tool marketers are, product, price, place and promotion. The marketing margin of tauco consisted of the first and the second channel. Costumer?s of tauco were in average of 40 years old, finished their education until senior high school, had 4 family members, and income per month amounted to Rp5.341.666. The attributes of tauco were taste, texture, flavor, condition of the packaging, product hygiene, tauco?s price, ease of getting products, and sales promotion. The customers of tauco in Prabumulih were belonged to be loyal customers with a high level of satisfaction (CSI = 71.2\%). Based on the pyramid loyalty, costumers of tauco were categorized as loyal costumers for the value of switcher buyer was only 6.7\%. Keywords: costumers, CSI, marketing mix, loyalty, tauco} }