@misc{eprints16290, month = {Desember}, title = {HUBUNGAN KARAKTERISTIK PETANI DAN SIFAT INOVASI TERHADAP TINGKAT ADOPSI INOVASI BUDIDAYA PADI HIBRIDA DI KECAMATAN PUGUNG KABUPATEN TANGGAMUS}, author = {1014023071 Lina Febri Yanti}, address = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, publisher = {FP}, year = {2015}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/16290/}, abstract = {Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) tingkat adopsi inovasi budidaya padi hibrida di Kecamatan Pugung Kabupaten Tanggamus, (2) faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan tingkat adopsi inovasi budidaya padi hibrida di Kecamatan Pugung Kabupaten Tanggamus. Pengumpulan data penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober-Desember 2014 dan menggunakan metode sensus. Responden penelitian adalah seluruh petani yang membudidayakan padi hibrida di Kecamatan Pugung Kabupaten Tanggamus pada tahun 2014. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan statistik menggunakan analisis jalur (path analysis). Penelitian menunjukkan hasil sebagai berikut. (1) Tingkat adopsi inovasi budidaya padi hibrida di Kecamatan Pugung Kabupaten Tanggamus termasuk dalam klasifikasi sedang karena meskipun inovasi budidaya padi hibrida dinilai cukup menguntungkan namun sedikit sulit untuk diterapkan oleh petani. (2) Faktor luas lahan usahatani padi, tingkat pendidikan, dan sifat inovasi nyata berhubungan dengan tingkat adopsi inovasi budidaya padi hibrida, sedangkan faktor tingkat pengalaman berusahatani padi dan tingkat keberanian mengambil risiko tidak berhubungan nyata dengan tingkat adopsi inovasi budidaya padi hibrida. Kata kunci: adopsi, inovasi, padi hibrida THE CORRELATION BETWEEN FARMERS CHARACTERISTICS AND INNOVATION CHARACTER WITH THE LEVEL OF INNOVATION ADOPTION OF HYBRID RICE CULTIVATION IN PUGUNG DISTRICT OF TANGGAMUS REGENCY This research aimed to analyze: (1) the level of innovation adoption of hybrid rice cultivation and (2) correlating factors toward the level of innovation adoption of hybrid rice cultivation in the Pugung District of Tanggamus Regency. The research data was collected in October-December 2014 by census method. The research respondents were all farmers who cultivated hybrid rice in Pugung District of Tanggamus Regency in 2014. The research data was analyzed descriptively and statistically by path analysis. The results showed as follows. (1) The level of innovation adoption of hybrid rice cultivation in Pugung District of Tanggamus Regency was commonly still in the moderate category, though hybrid rice cultivation innovation was quite profitable, but it was quite difficult to be applied by farmers. (2) The factors of land area of rice farming, education level, and innovation character were significantly correlated with the level of innovation adoption of hybrid rice cultivation; whereas, the factors of the level of rice farming experience and the courage level of taking risks were not significantly correlated with the level of innovation adoption of hybrid rice cultivation. Key words: adoption, hybrid rice, innovation} }