%A Sugeng Bastio %T COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS FOR THE EFFECTIVESNESS OF LEARNING FOR SOCIAL CONNECTIVE MODEL AND INTEGRATED OF SOCIAL SUBJECT IN CLASS VIII OF SMPN 1 TERBANGGI BESAR CENTRAL LAMPUNG PERIOD 2011/2012 %X The problem of this research are : (1) Is there differentiation of student result that uses of social connected model with the students who use integrated model (2) Is there differentiation of students results at the first level (3) Is there interaction between learning model of social connected between connected model and integrated model. In this research the method which is used for this mien experiment by giving the action for to different classes on class used learning social connected method and other class used integrated model by knowing the first ability of the students from two classes. In this planning uses 2x3 and data analysis uses two varians method with factorial design and the effectiveness analysis. After doing this research for this experiment to both of them can slaw (1) There is differentiation average of students result uses learning social connected model with integrated model. (2) There is differenciation of students results at the first students ability (3) There is interaction between connected and integrated which is used at the first students ability has influenced to students prestige (4) Learning social connected model more effective to be used to increase students prestige in social connected subject. There fore on analysis result for this research the writer conclude that (1) There is differentiation of students average uses learning social connected model with integrated model IPS knowing the first students ability and (2) Learning social connected model more effected to be used increase the students prestige in social connected subject compared with connected model. Keyword : Connected, Integrated, Keefektipan. %D 2012 %I Fakultas Ekonomi %L eprints1642