%A 1115031061 Nicolas Gata Janu Prayoga %T RANCANG BANGUN ALAT KONTROL PEMILAH BENIH PADI BERDASARKAN TEMPERATUR DAN KELEMBABAN MENGGUNAKAN ARDUINO MEGA 2560 BERBASIS VISUAL BASIC 2010 %X Dalam dunia pertanian, benih padi (oryza sativa) adalah salah satu tanaman budidaya yang mempunyai sifat higroskopis, yaitu mudah menyerap air dan selalu berusaha mencapai kondisi equilibrium dengan lingkungannya, jika kadar air disekitar binih lebih tinggi dari pada kadar air benih, maka benih akan menyerap air dari udara, sehingga kadar air benih juga meningkat dan mengakibatkan temperatur dan kelembaban benih juga akan berpengaruh terhadap lingkungan disekitar benih. kendala yang ditemui dalam pengolahan benih padi antara lain adalah masalah temperatur dan kelembaban. Berawal dari kendala seperti itu, diperlukan adanya alat yang dapat memilah benih padi berdasarkan temperatur dan kelembaban dalam suatu sistem kontrol secara otomatis dan secara manual. Dalam penelitian ini mengunakan arduino mega 2560 sebagai pengendali utama, perangkat lunak visual basic 2010 sebagai media penyimpanan, kendali, serta penempilan data temperatur dan kelembaban secara serial, sensor LM35, sensor DHT22, LCD 16x2, sensor DI-infrared transciever, dan motor servo. Dari hasil dan pengamatan menunjukan saat kondisi mode kendali otomatis dalam 1 Kg benih padi prima terdapat 11 pengambilan data yang terukur sebayak 915 gram dengan persentase rata ? rata temperatur sebesar 30,390C dan kelembaban sebesar 68,81%. Saat kondisi kendali manual dalam 1 Kg benih padi prima terdapat 12 pengambilan data yang terukur sebanyak 981 gram dengan persentase rata ? rata temperatur sebesar 30,860C dan kelembaban sebesar 68,33%. Kata kunci: alat pemilah benih padi, temperatur, kelembaban, arduino mega 2560. The world of Agricultural, the paddy seed (oryza sativa) was one of the cultivated plants which had the hygroscopic properties that absorbed water easily and always tried to get the equilibrium condition for its environment, if the water content around the seed was higher than the water content in its seed. So, the seed would absorb the water from the air in order to increase the seed moisture content and caused the temperature and moisture of it would be influenced on the environment around the seed. The obstacles which was found in rice seed processing were the problem of temperature and moisture. Therefore, we needed a tool which could sort the paddy seed based on the temperature and moisture that could work with an automatic control system and manually. This research used arduino mega 2560 as the main controller, visual basic software 2010 as the storage media, controller and also data appearance of the temperature and moisture serially, LM35 sensor, DHT22 sensor, 16x2 LCD, DI-infrared transceiver sensor, and a servomotor. Based on the result and observation, itshew that when the automatic control mode condition in 1 Kg of primed rice seeds, there would be 11 times of measuring data retrieval as many as 915 grams with the average percentage temperature was 30,390C and the moisture was 68,81%. If the manual control condition in 1 Kg of primed rice seeds, there would be 12 times of measuring data retrieval as many as 981 grams with the average percentage temperature was 30,860C and the moisture was 68,33%. Keywords : The paddy seed sorter, temperature, moisture and arduino mega 2560. %C UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG %D 2015 %I FAKULTAS TEKNIK %L eprints16434