TY - THES ID - eprints16741 UR - http://digilib.unila.ac.id/16741/ A1 - MARIA, 1223011028 Y1 - 2015/12/17/ N2 - Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan: (1) potensi sekolah untuk dikembangkan LKS sebagai peningkatan mutu pembelajaran (2) karakteristik bahan ajar LKS matematika (3) efektifitas (4) efisiensi (5) kemenarikan LKS matematika materi memahami sifat-sifat bangun dan hubungan antar bangun. Desain penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D), berdasarkan langkah-langkah penelitian pengembangan Borg and Goll. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner dan tes, analisis dilakukan dengan uji gain, dan deskriptif kuantitatif. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah (1) SD N 3 Adiluwih berpotensi untuk pengembangan bahan ajar LKS matematika sebagai upaya peningkatan mutu pembelajaran dengan materi memahami sifat-sifat bangun dan hubungan antar bangun, (2) karakteristik bahan ajar LKS yang dikembangkan adalah LKS matematika berbasis belajar mandiri, (3) bahan ajar LKS efektif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran dibuktikan dengan nilai gain untuk kelas sebelum menggunakan LKS 0,54 > 0,36, (4) penggunaan bahan ajar LKS efisien sebagai media pembelajaran dengan nilai rasio efisiensi pembelajaran sebesar 1,30, dan (5) bahan ajar LKS menarik digunakan dengan rata-rata skor uji coba kemenarikan sebesar 3,15. Kata Kunci : LKS, matematika, berbasis belajar mandiri. ABSTRACT The purposes of this research were to describe (1) the importance of LKS as improving the quality of learning (2) the characteristics of teaching materials mathematics LKS (3) the effectiveness (4) the efficient (5) the attractiveness of the use of worksheets materials to understand the properties up and the correlation between waking. This research design was a Research and Development (R&D), based on measures of research development Borg and Goll. Data was colleted by questionnaires and questions and test, analyzed by the gain test, and quantitative descriptive. Conclusions of the research were (1) SD N 3 Adiluwih has potential for the development of teaching materials of mathematics LKS as an effort to improve the quality of learning by materials to understand the properties up and the correlation between waking, (2) the characteristics of teaching materials of mathematics LKS based on student?s self-learning , (3) teaching materials of mathematics LKS effectively used as a learning media and proved by gain value for the class before using LKS, 0,54 > 0,36 (4) the use of teaching materials of mathematics LKS learning media efficiently as proved by the value of learning efficiency ratio amounted to 1,30, (5) teaching materials of mathematics LKS was interesting used with an average value of the attractiveness test of 3,15. Key word : worksheets, mathematics, based on self-learning PB - UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG M1 - other TI - PENGEMBANGAN LEMBAR KERJA SISWA MATEMATIKA BERBASIS BELAJAR MANDIRI KELAS V DI SD NEGERI KECAMATAN ADILUWIH KABUPATEN PRINGSEWU AV - restricted ER -