%A Delia Elmanisya 0713042018 %J Digital Library %T IMPROVING STUDENTS? SPEAKING ABILITY THROUGH PROBLEM BASED LEARNING STRATEGY AT THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF SMA NEGERI 9 BANDAR LAMPUNG %X The objective of the study was to describe the use of problem-based learning in improving the speaking ability of the second grade students of SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung. The preliminary study showed that students got difficulties to speak in English. It was found that the major problems of students speaking were in their unconfidence to speak in English. Consequently, the classroom situation remained passive so that the teacher was forced to work harder to motivate the students to speak up. Moreover, the class was dominated with only some students. Finally, an activity like group discussion or other activities which needed to do by more than one student would be difficult to apply. For this purpose, the researcher, then, formulated the research problem as how the students? speaking ability could be improved through problem-based learning technique. This study employed collaborative classroom action research. The subjects of this research were students of XI IA-I class of SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung who were studying in the second semester. This study only focused on improving students? speaking ability in group discussion. On the basis of preliminary study, it was found that group discussion activities could not run well since many students remained passive and there were only some students were active that sometimes dominated the discussion. Group discussion was actually aimed at giving chance for students to increase their ability with other students in one circumstance (their own group). In many cases, the discussions run with one or two students speaking while the other members tent to keep silent and became dependant to the others. This study was conducted in two cycles consisting of four meetings. The procedures of the action included planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. To collect the data, the researcher used observation sheet for observing both teaching-learning process and students speaking ability, questionnaire and speaking test. iii iii The finding of the research showed that problem-based learning was effective to be employed in improving the students? speaking ability. The result showed that the criteria of success had been achieved, that more than 70% of all the students who were present during the research were categorized good. At the second cycle, it was found that 28.13% (9 students) were categorized fair, 56.25% (18 students) were categorized good, and 15.62% (5 students) were categorized very good. By the minimum score of level 4, it can be concluded that the criteria achieved 71.87% from the criteria 70%. Moreover, in terms of students? motivation, it was found that students at the second cycle showed improvement as seen by more students responding the teacher?s questions. Furthermore, the group discussion at the second meeting was also effective for students to share their ideas in problem-solving by using English. In applying Problem based learning in learning process, it is expected that the technique will be considered to be implemented in speaking class by using problembased learning for a better students? achievement. It is important for teacher to develop better strategies of problem-based learning to create an optimal improvement of students? speaking ability. As many mistakes were found from students? speaking and their notes during the research, it is suggested that the focus of the future researchers could be on structure. %L eprints16744