%A Romandani Adyan 0713042042 %J Digital Library %T A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF READING COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT BETWEEN STUDENTS TAUGHT THROUGH COLLABORATIVE STRATEGIC READING AND TAUGHT THROUGH SELF-QUESTIONING STRATEGY AT THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF SMAN 8 BANDAR LAMPUNG %X In reading, the students need an appropriate technique that is suitable with the types of texts. Thus, according to School Based Curriculum 2006, Junior High School students use functional texts as their reading materials. To make students? reading process more effective, the technique used is important to consider. In this case, the researcher tried to compare Collaborative Strategic Reading and SelfQuestioning Strategy for teaching reading.. The objectives of the research are to find out whether there is a significant difference on reading comprehension achievement between students who are taught through Collaborative Strategic Reading and those who are taught through Self-Questioning Strategy and to find out which one is more effective technique. The research was conducted at SMA Negeri 8 Bandar Lampung. This research ia a quantitative research using true experimental design. The sample was chosen randomly through lottery. The data was gained by administering a set of pretest and posttest to both classes. The treatments were conducted in both classes. The data was analyzed by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 17.0. the hypotesis was tested by using Independent Group t-test. The test result showed that the mean of posttest in the experimental class one was 79.75 and the mean of posttest in the experimental class two 71.87, probability level (p) was 0.000. it was lower than 0.05. Here, the H0 was proved if p>0.05 therefore H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted. It means that there is a significant difference on reading comprehension achievement between students who are taught through Collaborative Strategic Reading and those who are taught through Self-Questioning Strategy and Collaborative Strategic Reading becomes more effectives in increasing students? reading comprehension achievement than SelfQuestioning Strategy. %D 2012 %L eprints16769