%A 1115051007 ANNISA EKA PUTRI %T PEMANTAUAN AKTIVITAS GUNUNGAPI LOKON MENGGUNAKAN METODE HVSR (Horizontal To Vertical Spectra Ratio) PERIODE AGUSTUS?NOVEMBER 2014 %X Gunungapi Lokon merupakan salah satu Gunungapi aktif di Indonesia yang berada di Tomohon, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variasi temporal frekuensi HVSR yang dapat dijadikan indikator untuk mengestimasi erupsi Gunungapi Lokon pada periode Agustus-November 2014. Metode HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectra Ratio) diharapkan bisa menjadi alternatif baru untuk memonitoring aktivitas vulkanik gunungapi yang didasarkan pada karakteristik frekuensi resonansi yang diperoleh dari kurva HVSR. Dari hasil penelitian ini, erupsi Gunungapi Lokon ditandai dengan munculnya nilai frekuensi (fo) HVSR medium sebesar 4,13 Hz-4,23 Hz, 25 hari sebelum erupsi, tepatnya pada tanggal 18 Agustus 2014 sampai 16 September 2014. Munculnya nilai frekuensi (fo) medium sebelum erupsi menandakan bahwa adanya proses naiknya magma menuju permukaan sebagai realisasi akan terjadinya erupsi Gunungapi Lokon pada tanggal 13 September 2014. Erupsi Gunungapi Lokon tanggal 13 September 2014, menunjukkan adanya respon yang sangat cepat pada sistem vulkanik (magmatik dan hidrotermal) Gunungapi Lokon, yaitu peningkatan tekanan secara tiba-tiba yang diduga merupakan kontribusi dari gempa tektonik pada tanggal 10 September 2014 sehingga mempengaruhi keseimbangan kegiatan vulkanik di Gunungapi Lokon. Adanya peningkatan jumlah gempa vulkanik, amplituda tremor dan gempa tektonik mengindikasikan adanya peningkatan tekanan secara tiba-tiba pada Gunungapi Lokon sehingga mempengaruhi nilai frekuensi HVSR yang ditandai dengan munculnya nilai frekuensi (fo) medium sebelum erupsi. Namun, tidak semua perubahan frekuensi HVSR berkaitan dengan perubahan aktivitas vulkanik. Kata kunci : Metode HVSR, Frekuensi fundamental (fo), Gunungapi Lokon MONITORING OF LOKON VOLCANIC ACTIVITY USING HVSR (HORIZONTAL TO VERTICAL SPECTRA RATIO ) METHOD AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2014 Lokon volcanic is one of active volcanic in Indonesia that is in Tomohon, the province of north Sulawesi. This study attempts to obtain information regarding temporal frequency HVSR which can be used indicators to estimate eruption gunungapi lokon in the period agustus-november 2014. A method of HVSR (Horizontal To Vertical Spectra Ratio) expected to be new alternative for monitoring volcanic activity based on characteristic frequency resonance obtained from a curve HVSR. Of the result of this research, eruption lokon volcanic characterized by the appearance of value frequency (f0) over medium HVSR of 4,13 hz-4,23 hz,25 days before eruption, precisely on 18 august 2014 to 16th september 2014. The emergence of value frequency (f0) over medium before eruption indicates that the process of the increasing magma surfacing as the realization of the of eruption Lokon volcanic on the 13th september 2014. Eruption Lokon volcanic the 13th september 2014, shows that there has been a very fast response on a volcanic system (magmatik and hidrotermal) Lokon volcanic, it is increase the pressure of a sudden suspected contributed from earthquake tectonics on the 10 september 2014 so as to affect balance activities in Lokon volcanic mountain. An increase of volcanic earthquake, amplituda tremor and earthquake tectonics indicated to an increase of pressure suddenly in Lokon volcanic so as to affect value frequency HVSR characterized by the appearance of value frequency (f0)over before eruption medium. But, not all of the changes frequency HVSR related to a change Lokon volcanic activity the 13th september 2014, shows that there has been a very fast response on a system volcanic (magmatik and hidrotermal) Lokon volcanic is to increase the pressure of a sudden suspected contributed from earthquake tectonics on the 10 september 2014 so as to affect balance activities in Lokon volcanic. An increase in the number of volcanic earthquake, amplituda tremor and earthquake tectonics indicated to an increase of pressure suddenly in Lokon volcanic so as to affect value frequency HVSR characterized by the appearance of value frequency (f0) over medium before eruption. But, not all of the changes frequency HVSR be related to a change volcanic activity. Keyword: HVSR Method, Fundamental Frequency(F0), Lokon Volcanic Mountain %C UNIVERISTAS LAMPUNG %D 2016 %I Fakultas Teknik %L eprints16773