%A Dicky Kurniawan 0713042023 %J Digtal Library %T A Classroom Interaction Analysis of Teacher?s Questioning Types in English Class at the Second Year of SMA N 9 Bandar Lampung %X In English class or second language teaching class, the communication between the teacher and the students will not run well without what we call interaction. Interaction means a collaboration of teacher and students to have a conversation. In this case, the teacher should build a good conversation to be discussed in order to get the attention of the students easily reached and the lesson accepted by the students. In other words, the role of the teacher is very important in arising students? participation in classroom activity. Questioning the students is one of the most popular ways in arising the students? participation in English class. The objectives of this research are to identify the most common forms of questions asked by the teacher at SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung and to find out the pedagogical aspect intended in the teacher?s questioning types. The main source of the data is the teaching-learning process of English Class at two second year classes of SMAN 9 Bandar Lampung. The two classes chosen are XI Science 3 and XI Social 2. The main objects of this study are the teacher?s questioning and the students? responses during English class. The teacher?s questions and students? responses in classroom interaction are recorded and transcribed. In this observation, the researcher used video recorder to make the transcription process easier. The result of the research shows that w-h questions have the highest frequency in total number of teacher?s questioning types, besides yes-no questions and imperative questions. The data shows that the percentage of w-h question is 69.7%, yes-no question is 28% and imperative question is 2.3%. Meanwhile, from the pedagogical aspect of teacher?s questioning types, the data shows that knowledge question is the highest frequency with the percentage of 96.4% in science class and 93.3% in social class. There is no significant difference between the types of question in Science Class and Social Class. The percentage of knowledge questions is the questions that mostly used in both classes. It is 96.4% in Science Class and 93.3% in Social Class. It means that the strategy to offer the questions by the teacher in both classes is almost the same. The result means that the teacher still uses traditional or old-fashioned way of teaching, especially in questioning. Therefore it is recommended that the teacher ask cognitive type question or combination of low-level and high-level cognitive questions. %D 2012 %L eprints16981