%A Rahmat Nurudin 0713042038 %J Digital Library %T AN ANALYSIS OF FIELD INDEPENDENT STUDENTS SPEAKING ABILITY AND THEIR LEARNING STRATEGIES AT THE SECOND GRADE OF SMP N 2 BANDAR LAMPUNG %X The objectives of this research were to analyze there were the mostly learning strategies used by Field Independent student in speaking English and to see there were correlations between student?s learning strategies and their speaking achievement. This research employed descriptive analysis and quantitative correlation research. The data were collected from the questionnaires and speaking test. The subjects of research were 23 students of class RSBI 8.2 and 17 students of class RSBI 8.3 of SMP 2 Bandar Lampung 2011-2012 academic year. Questionnaire was used to obtain data of field independent and field dependent students and student?s learning strategies. The result of the research showed that the students of second grade of SMP N 2 Bandar Lampung mostly used compensatory strategy in speaking. There were 25 students (73%) of 34 students in field independent group applied compensatory strategy. Meanwhile, there were 16 students (47%) used memory strategy, 17 students (50%) used cognitive strategy, 16 students (47%) applied metacognitive strategy, 20 students (58%) applied affective strategy and 23 students (67%) applied social strategy. The coefficient correlation between compensatory strategies with the student?s speaking ability is 0.460, Sig (2tailed) = 0.018, (p > 0.05). This research suggested that English teachers should encourage students to develop compensatory strategy in teaching learning process when student want to learn speaking English. Teacher could conduct students to use the combined strategies in order to make student?s ability in speaking better %D 2012 %L eprints16990