@article{eprints17259, month = {Januari}, title = {THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MODIFIED DIRECT METHOD IN VOCABULARY TEACHING LEARNING TROUGH GROUP WORK BY USING PICTURES AT SECOND YEAR OF SMP NEGERI 11 BANDAR LAMPUNG}, author = {HARTINI 0543042016}, year = {2012}, journal = {Digital Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/17259/}, abstract = {The lack of students? competence in English subject, especially in vocabulary, usually hinders them to communicate in English Language. Meanwhile, vocabulary becomes one of basic or important basic in English language that should be mastered by the students of SMP. Therefore the researcher compared two techniques in teaching, the first group work by using original Direct Method and the second group work by using modified Direct Method with pictures technique in teaching learning process. To investigate the result of applying those two teaching techniques by using between the group work by using original Direct Method and the group work by using modified Direct Method with pictures techniques in teaching vocabulary and to find out which one that would give better result than another. This quantitative study was conducted in second year of SMP Negeri 11 Bandar Lampung in second semester of 2011-2012. To find out whether there was significant differences of students vocabulary achievement between those taught through group works by using original Direct Method and group work by use the modified Direct Method with pictures in doing this research. Intact group pretest and group posttest design was used, there is one class in SMP Negeri 11 consists in VIIIE and divided into eight groups. The experimental group I was taught by using group works through the original Direct Method and experimental group II by using group works through modified Direct Method by using pictures in teaching learning process. The sample was taken randomly through lottery. The treatments were administered in three meetings in both experimental groups. The result showed that there was a significant difference of students vocabulary achievement between those taught through group work by using original Direct Method and group work by using Modified Direct Method through pictures technique in teaching learning process. It can be seen from the differences of the students or groups scores. The group?s mean scores of experimental class by using original Direct Method in pretest test are group one was 35.5, group two was 40.4, group three was 34.6, group four was 44.5, group five was 37.9, group six was 24.7, group seven was 46.2, group eight was 45.4. And the groups mean scores of experimental by using Modified Direct Method with pictures in posttest test are group one was 57.7, group two was 47.8, group three was 42.1, group four was 60.2, group five was 46.2, group six was 32.2, group seven was 51.1, group eight was 51.2. After comparing the results of the groups, it was found that although those teaching could give improvement to the students but teaching vocabulary through Modified Direct Method by using group work with pictures gave better result than using original Direct Method in group work. Based on the data analysis at the significant level F 0.05, it proves that students scores were significantly different (p{\ensuremath{>}}0.05, p=0.000). So the hypothesis proposed in this research was accepted. It means that there is significant difference of vocabulary achievement between students taught trough group work by using original Direct Method and by using Modified Direct Method with pictures.} }