@article{eprints17278, month = {Maret}, title = {Peningkatan Aktivitas dan Prestasi Belajar Matematika Menggunakan Pembelajaran Kooperarif Tipe Numbered Head Togather Pada Siswa Kelas V SDN 01 Sukamaju 2010-2011}, author = {Dodik Mulyono 0923011016}, year = {2012}, journal = {Digital Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/17278/}, abstract = {Abstrak Masalah penelitian ini adalah; (1) Perencanaan pembelajaran belum mencapai nilai ?3,1, (2) Jumlah siswa yang masuk dalam kategori aktif belum mencapai ?75\%, (3) Sistem evaluasi belum bervariasi, (4) Jumlah siswa yang masuk dalam kategori tuntas belum mencapai ?75\%. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan; (1) perencanaan pembelajaran (2) pelaksanaan pembelajaran (3) sistem evaluasi (4) peningkatan prestasi belajar matematika dengan menggunakan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Numbered Head Togather (NHT). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode tindakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian tindakan, pada siklus pertama guru hanya mengimplementasikan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT tindakan siklus kedua guru mengimplementasikan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT dan media dari kertas karton, tindakan siklus ketiga guru mengimplementasikan pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT, media dari kertas karton dan bahan ajar berupa fotokopi materi. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah; (1) peningkatan kualitas RPP yang diamati dengan menggunakan lembar penilaian RPP, diperoleh hasil; nilai RPP siklus 1 yaitu 2,64, nilai RPP siklus 2 yaitu 2,97 dan nilai RPP siklus 3 yaitu 3,30. (2) peningkatan aktivitas belajar siswa, pada kelas VA aktivitas siklus 1 dengan kategori aktif 8 siswa, siklus 2, 11 siswa dan siklus 3, 15 siswa. Pada kelas VB aktivitas siklus 1 dengan kategori aktif 7 siswa, siklus 2, 9 siswa dan siklus 3, 13 siswa; (3) peningkatan sistem evaluasi, pada siklus 1 pilihan ganda, siklus 2 soal uraian, sedangkan pada siklus 3 menggunakan soal pilihan ganda dan uraian; (4) Peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa, pada kelas VA siklus 1 dengan nilai tertinggi 90, terendah 40, rata-rata 53,15, tuntas 8 siswa, siklus 2 dengan nilai tertinggi 100, terendah 50, rata-rata 58,75, tuntas 11 siswa dan siklus 3 dengan nilai tertinggi 100, terendah 50, rata-rata 72,45, tuntas 1 5 siswa. pada kelas VB siklus 1 dengan nilai tertinggi 85, terendah 35, rata-rata 44,75, tuntas 7 siswa, siklus 2 dengan nilai tertinggi 100, terendah 40, rata-rata 55,5, tuntas 9 siswa, siklus 3 dengan nilai tertinggi 90, terendah 40, rata-rata 75, tuntas 16 siswa. Kata Kunci:Pembelajaran kooperatif tipe NHT, aktivitas belajar siswa, prestasi belajar siswa. Abstract The problem of this research are (1) Study planning is not achieve value {$\leq$}3,1 yet, (2) Total student that coming in this active category is not achieve ?75\%, (3) evaluating system is not variation yet, (4) total student is not achieve ?75\% yet. The aim of this research are to describe; (1) Study planning (2) study execution (3) evaluation system (4) the increasing of accomplishment in learning mathematic with cooperative learning model Numbered Head Together (NHT) type. Research method that used is action method. This research used action research, in the first cycles, the teacher only implemented the cooperative learning model NHT type, The action in the second cycles, the teacher implemented cooperative learning NHT type and media from carton; the action in the third cycles, the teacher implemented cooperative learning NHT type, media from carton paper and learning model like photocopy. The conclusion of this research are (1) quality enhance of RPP that watched by using evaluation sheet of RPP, got the result; RPP value at cycles 1 are 2, 64, RPP value at cycles 2 are 2, 97, RPP value at cycles 3 are 3, 30. (2) The increasing of learning student activity, at class VA cycles 1 activity by category, 8 active students. The cycles 2 with 11 active students, and cycles 3 with 15 active students. At class VB the activity of cycles 1 by category 7 active students, cycles 2 by category 9 active students, cycles 3 by category 16 active students. (3) evaluating system are using observation technique and test by essay and multiple choice, validity test at cycles 1,2,3 by index 0,401 -0,600 in enough category, reliability test at cycles 1,2 are 0,45 and cycles 3 is 0,55 by immediate category. (4) the increasing of accomplishment of learning student at class VA cycles 1 by category the higher score are 90, lowest 40, average 53, 15, complete are 8 students, cycles 2 by the higher score 100, lowest 50, average 58, 75, complete are 11 students. Cycles 3 by higher score 100, lowest 50, average 72, 45, complete are 15 students. At class VB cycles 1 by higher score 85, lowest 35, average 44, 75, complete are 7 students, cycles 2 by higher score 100, lowest 40, average 55, 5, complete are 9 students. Cycles 3 by higher score 90; lowest 40 averages 68, complete are 16 students. Keyword: Cooperative learning model NHT type, activity of learning, accomplishment of learning} }