@article{eprints17323, title = {THE IMPLEMENTATION OF TASK BASED LEARNING IN WRITING DESCRIPTIVE TEXT AT THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF SMAN 5 BANDARLAMPUNG }, author = {Myra Desmayenni 0813042038}, journal = {Digital Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/17323/}, abstract = {The objectives of this research were to find out whether Task Based Learning (TBL) develops students? participation during teaching and learning process and students decriptive writing ability at the first year students of SMAN 5 Bandarlampung. To see students? participation during the learning process, the qualitative data was used through questionnaire and observation sheet. Meanwhile, the quantitative data through students? score was used to know the students ability in writing descriptive text as the learning product. This research was conducted at SMAN 5 Bandarlampung. The subject of the research was the students of class X.9 in the academic 2012/2013. This Collaborative Classroom Action Research (CAR) was done in two cycles. The indicators of this research success ideally if the teacher get minimum 75\% students are actively involved during the teaching learning process and 75\% students can gain score 70 or more or better. In Cycle I, 23 students (68.68\%) of 33 students were active during the teaching learning process based on the data from questionnaire and observation sheet. The students also could not achieve the ideal target. It was seen through the students score that were only 17 students (51.52\%) of 33 students who gained score 70 or more. It was the students still had problem in language use especially in using present tense. In Cycle II, the students? participation showed a better improvement into 28 students (84.84\%) of 33 students were active during the teaching and learning process. The students also reached the ideal indicator for the learning product, there were 26 students (78.79\%) of 33 students who got scores 70 or more. In the other words, the result of the students? writing scores showed that 27.27\% improvement. Referring to the research, it can be said that TBL can increase students? participation during the teaching learning process and students? descriptive text writing ability. } }