@article{eprints17388, month = {Januari}, title = {CURRICULUM AND STUDENTS MANAGEMENT AT INTEGRATED ISLAMIC JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (MULTI SITUS STUDY AT SMPIT AR-RAIHAN AND SMPIT FITRAH INSANI BANDAR LAMPUNG)}, author = {JAUHARI 0923012014}, year = {2012}, journal = {Digilib Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/17388/}, abstract = {Abstract The aims of this research is to describe: 1) back ground of integrated islamic school, 2) curriculum planning at integrated Islamic school, 3) process of implementing curriculum at integrated Islamic school, 4) planning of students, 5) students organizing at integrated Islamic school, and 6) learning evaluation system at integrated Islamic school. This research applying for kualitative approach through intensive observation in the natural setting. This research focus on two cases (situs), SMPIT Ar-Raihan and SMPIT Fitrah Insani. The technique of data aggregation uses interview, observation and documentation study. And the data analysis technique in this research is inductive-conceptualistic technique. The checking of data validity in this research uses triangulation method and source, triangulation with in method and triangulation between method. The results of this research show: 1) the prominent reason of SMPIT is as continuing of islamic values were being in SDIT, 2) the curriculum planning on two examined schools are workshop and its product is KTSP, 3) the curriculum Implementation on two eximined school by integrating material training with islamic values by optimazing Information Technology media, 4) the students organizing on two examined schools are students life skills, and 6) the learning evaluation system on two examined schools through daily test, student tasks, mid semester test, and final test.} }