@article{eprints17474, month = {Januari}, title = {Evaluation of the Implementation of School-Based Management Program in Senior High School I Natar Academic Year 2009 ? 2010}, author = {FEBRIANA S. 0923012023}, year = {2010}, journal = {Digital Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/17474/}, abstract = {Implementation of School-Based Management in SMAN I Natar alrealy been implemented. However, implementation has not show satisfactory result. This study tried to reveal by conducting evaluation of Shool-Based Management implementation in SMA N I Natar. The objectives are: 1) Get an overview of the participation of local governments on the implementation of School-Based Management in high school I Natar country, 2) to get a picture of teacher participation in school-based management program in SMAN I Natar, 3) to get an overview of public participation in school-based management program in SMAN I Natar, 4) to get an overview of the role of school committees in the success of school-based management of the country in high school I Natar. Goal are used as informants in this study is the Distict Education Office, Provincial Head of School, Parents, and School Board Committee. The focus is related to the implementation of School-Based Management in High School I Natar. The method used is the method of in-depth interviews using a list of interviews, then conducted cross-analysis of existing data. The result was the implementation of School-Based Management in High School I Natar not show maximum result. Participation the provincial and local government level two showed no concern. Participation would appear from the principal, teacher councils, and the School Communittee. Although their participation has not show the maximum result.} }