%A Ernawati 0923031012 %J Digital Library %T STUDENT ATTITUDE TOWARD FOREIGN RELATIONS LESSONS IPS, ENVIRONMENTAL LEARNING AND LEARNING WITH LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION IPS CLASS IN ODD SEMESTER VII SMP NUSANTARA BANDAR LAMPUNG LESSON YEAR 2010-2011 By %X School is an educational institution which has the task to form a human quality in knowledge, attitudes, and skills that achievement done in a planned, directed and systematic. Efforts to improve the quality of education, especially education in schools, not apart from the problem of academic achievement attained by students. To achieve good learning performance and maximum required earnest effort of the learner and teacher as an educator. The goal of this research is to want to know: (1) The relationship between student attitude toward social studies subjects with learning achievement of students of class VII social studies in junior high school semester odd Nusantara Bandar Lampung. (2) The relationship between learning environment and academic achievement of class VII social studies in junior high school semester odd Nusantara Bandar Lampung. (3) The relationship between learning motivation and academic achievement of class VII social studies in junior high school semester odd Nusantara Bandar Lampung (4) The relationship between student attitude toward social studies subjects, learning environment and learning motivation and academic achievement of class VII social studies in junior high school semester odd Nusantara Bandar Lampung. The method used in this study according to the research objectives to be achieved namely associative descriptive method, with the approach of ex post facto and survey. The population in this study amounted to 190 students with a total sample size of 95 students, taken with the sample random sampling technique. Data collection techniques used were, observation, documentation, interviews and questionnaires. To test the hypothesis the author using SPSS. Based on data analysis, research shows that: (1). There is a relationship between attitude and academic achievement of class VII social studies in junior high school semester odd Nusantara Bandar Lampung, as evidenced from the calculation of t tests showed that tcount> ttable ie 7.201>1.990. (2). There is a relationship between learning environment and academic achievement of class VII social studies in junior high school semester odd Nusantara Bandar Lampung, as evidenced from the results of t tes calculations which show that the value t count > ttable ie 7.897 > 1.990. (3). There is a relationship between learning motivation and academic achievement of class VII social studies in junior high school semester odd Nusantara Bandar Lampung, as evidenced from the results of t test calculations which show that the value t count> ttable ie 10.231> 1.990. (4) There is a relationship between students' attitudes toward social studies subjects, learning environment and learning motivation and academic achievement of class VII social studies in junior high school semester odd Nusantara Bandar Lampung, as evidenced from the results of calculations which show that the F test Fcount> Ftableie 86.261>2.71. %D 2011 %L eprints17494