%A Fitria Anggraeni 0611021051 %J Digital Library %T EFFECT OF DOMESTIC REVENUE, NET EXSPORT, BUDGET DEFICIT AND THE FOREIGN LOAN PAYMENT BEFORE TO THE NUMBER OF GOVERMENT?S FOREIGN LOANS IN INDONESIA YEAR 1999-2009 %X Abstract Foreign loans, or external debt is part of the total debt of a country that gets his creditors outside of the country. Recipient's foreign debt can be governments, companies, or individuals. Form of debt to money earned from private banks, other governments, or international financial institutions like the IMF and World Bank. The purposes of this research are 1) know how great the impact of tax revenues, tax revenue, the budget deficit, minus exsport payout for external debt of the previous year in respect of the foreign debt of the Government of Indonesia, 2) knowing the Government's efforts to increase the payment of external debt of the Government of Indonesia. Analysis tools for the quantitative analysis of multiple linear regression. Data time series data from 1999 to 2009. The results show that general tax revenue, non-tax revenue, deficit of budget, net exsport and total debt to variations contribute to payments in the Government debt of Indonesia last year. This is evidenced by the value (R2) determinant coefficient of 0.807, while the rest is determined by other factors that are not observed and not included in the model. For example, assistance programs, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and so forth. Most tax revenues and budget deficits have a positive and statistically significant impact on the Indonesian government's foreign debt. Keyword: Foreign Debt, Domestic Revenue, Net Exsport and Budget Deficit %D 2012 %L eprints17743