@article{eprints18217, month = {Januari}, title = {THE SOCIETY COMPREHENSION TO THE TEXT ABOUT DIVORCE IN ISLAMIC LAW ( A Case Study Alumni To A.P.I Islamic Boarding House Margodadi Sumberejo Tanggamus)}, author = {Rifah Laaliyah NN}, year = {2012}, journal = {Digital library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/18217/}, abstract = {abstract Divorce as a sacred thing, becomes common phenomenon in our society. Some problems occurred in family are easily solved by divorce. Even though divorce is legal in Islam but it?s the hateful thing by Allah SWT. Divorce is the final solution, if the relationship between husband and wife can not be maintained. There is a rule in Islamic law to make divorce process run well so it will not hurt a couple. The objective of the research is to find out the society comprehension to the text about divorce in Islamic law by conducting descriptive method and interview the respondent are taken from Alumni of A.P.I Islamic boarding house that has stayed 5 years minimally. The location of the research is in Margodadi village Sumberejo Tanggamus by interview and documentation technique Based on the research conducted, the writer concludes: 1. The societies know that divorce is legal but it?s hateful in Islam. 2. The society don?t know that divorce consists of Talaq, Khulu? and Fasakh. They only understand about the definition of Talaq. 3. Generally the societies know is a solution of divorce so that a husband divorces a wife at their prescribed period. But society don?t know the steps should be done by a husband to divorce the wife based on Surah An-Nisa?: 34, the lack of comprehension to Surah An-Nisa?: 34 a husband is easily divorce the wife. Key Word: Society comprehension, Divorce in Islamic law} }