%A Z A I T U N 0642011420 %J Digital library %T FUNCTIONS IMPLEMENTATION LEGISLATION COUNCIL OF REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES BANDAR LAMPUNG IN THE FORMATION OF LOCAL REGULATION. %X One of the instruments in the organizer region is Parliament which is the local people's representative institutions and serves as the regional administration of the element. As already stipulated in Law No. 12 of 2008, On the Second Amendment to Law Number 32 of 2004 on Regional Government in the state legislation is one of the functions as Local Rule Makers. And in accordance with the provisions of Act No. 10 of 2004 on the establishment of legislation, the meaning of Regulation (Perda) is the "laws and regulations established by the Regional Representatives Council approval along with the Regional Head." To run this function the Assembly Members also have certain rights, one of which is the right initiatives as the right to file a draft of local regulation-making institutions. As an institution filled by representatives of the people and the implementation of its legislative function as a Rule Maker dining area regulations made more priority to the welfare, make people run their lives. Based on the background that has been described previously, the issues to be discussed are: 1) How Parliament Legislation Function Performance Bandar Lampung In Making Local Regulation?. 2) What factors that become an obstacle in the implementation of Parliament legislative function Bandar Lampung In Making Local Regulation? The purpose of this research are: 1) To Learn Function Performance Legislation Parliament Bandar Lampung In Making Local Regulation. 2) To Learn The factors that become an obstacle in the implementation of Parliament legislative function Bandar Lampung In Making Local Regulation. %D 2010 %L eprints18290