%0 Journal Article %A NN, JOSWA SAHAT M. SILALAHI %D 2012 %F eprints:18426 %J Digital Library %T MEDIATOR ROLE IN LAND DISPUTE RESOLUTION THROUGH ITS NORTH LAMPUNG DISTRICT MEDIATION %U http://digilib.unila.ac.id/18426/ %X Settlement of land disputes by providing mediation in common position to the parties to the dispute and resolution efforts is ultimately a win-win solution. In the mediation process there are persons or entities as a mediator that essentially act as "mediator" who helps the parties to resolve disputes that it faces. The role of mediators is necessary for the successful settlement of disputes between the parties. Land dispute occurred in North Lampung Regency there are five cases of land disputes, 2 cases resolved through mediation and three cases into court. With the release of Head of BPN Decree No. 34 years in 2007 on Technical Guidelines for Handling and Settlement of Land Problems provide new breakthrough in the settlement of land disputes in various areas such as in North Lampung and demanding role of North Lampung District Land Office to be able to resolve land disputes that occurred.