@article{eprints18541, month = {Januari}, title = {TEACHING ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION (/{\dh}/, /{\ensuremath{\theta}}/, /{$\int$}/) SOUNDS OF FRICTION CONSONANTS THROUGH SONG AT THE FIFTH GRADE OF SDN 2 RUKTI HARJO LAMPUNG TENGAH}, author = {Diesmita Herninda 0513042026}, year = {2010}, journal = {Digital Library}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/18541/}, abstract = {This research was conducted based on the problems faced by the fifth grade students of SDN 2 Rukti Harjo, the problems are: the low pronunciation achievement and the low students? participation during the teaching learning process in that school. The objectives of the research are To find out whether song can increase the students? pronunciation ability especially in pronouncing (/{\dh}/, /{\ensuremath{\theta}}/, /{$\int$}/) sounds of friction consonants at the fifth grade students, to find out whether song can increase the quality of the teacher?s teaching performance when the teacher is implementing children song as the media to teach pronunciation, and to find out whether teaching (/{\dh}/, /{\ensuremath{\theta}}/, /{$\int$}/) sounds of friction consonants through song increase students? participation during the teaching learning process. The research was conducted at SDN 2 Rukti harjo. The subject of the research was students of class 5B in academic year 2009/ 2010 which consists of 22 students. As the result, in pronunciation test of cycle 1, there were only 10 students (45.45\%) who gained the score of ? 3 and it improves in cycle 2 that there were 18 students (81.81\%).It means that the indicators of the research for pronunciation test have been fulfilled in the second cycle. For the students? participation during the teaching learning process, there were improvement from13 students (59.09\%) of 22 students who did 80\% of the activities in cycle I to 19 (86.36\%) cycle II. For the teacher?s performance, the teacher got 70 in cycle 1. Then, in the second cycle teacher teaching performance is much better that is the teacher got the score of 80. Referring to the result of the research above, it can be concluded that song as teaching media is applicable to improve the students? pronunciation in mastering /{\dh}/, /{\ensuremath{\theta}}/, /{$\int$}/ sounds. Song does not just improve the students? pronunciation but also improves the students? participation during the teaching learning process and teacher?s teaching performance. Keywords: English Pronunciation, Song} }