%A Gita Intan Putri Pristaningdyah 0613042004 %J Digilib Library %T The Implementation of Information Transfer Technique in Teaching Reading at the Second Grade Students of SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung %X Reading is one of the skills that should be taught at school. Based on the writer?s teaching experience at SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung, she found that the students still had difficulties in reading. They had difficulties in finding main ideas, reference, inference, and specific information from the text. Moreover, they were bored with the teaching technique used by the teacher. In order to overcome the problem found at that school, the writer applied Information Transfer Technique which gives a chance to the students to comprehend the content of the text deeply with enjoyable ways. The subject of the research was second grade students of SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung. A classroom action research was carried out in order to improve students? participation and students? reading comprehension by applying Information Transfer Technique in reading class. This research was conducted in two cycles. The indicators of the research focus on learning process and learning product. The indicator of learning process is at least 80 % of the students are actively participated during the lesson, while the indicator of learning product is at least 80% of the students can pass KKM, which is 65 or more. Based on the data, there is improvement on learning process. In cycle 1, there are 19 students who are actively participated during the lesson. While in cycle 2, the number of students who are active during the lesson, increase to 28 students. In students? reading score, 19 students pass the KKM, and it improves in cycle 2, become 27 students. Referring to the result of the research above, it can be concluded that Information Transfer Technique is applicable to improve students? participation during the teaching learning process and students? reading comprehension at the second grade students of SMAN 3 Bandar Lampung. %D 2016 %L eprints18683