%A Agustiawan 0613042016 %J Digilib Library %T AN ANALYSIS OF IMPLEMENTING CONTEXTUAL TEACHING AND LEARNING (CTL) COMPONENTS IN TEACHING SPEAKING AT THE FIRST GRADE OF SMA AL-KAUTSAR BANDAR LAMPUNG (A QUALITATIVE RESEARCH) %X Speaking is one of the important skills that the students have to master. The ability to communicate is the primary goal of foreign language instruction in that speaking is put ahead on the other skills. The aim of this research was to find out whether the seven components of CTL (Constructivism, Inquiry, Questioning, Learning community, Modeling, Reflection, and Authentic Assessment) are implemented successfully in teaching speaking. This research was a qualitative research. The subject was the students of the first year at SMA Al-Kautsar Bandar lampung. This research lasted from 16 th of October 2010 till 5 of November 2010. In collecting the data, the researcher observed the implementation of seven components of CTL during learning process and observed of each student?s involvement, distributed questionnairres to the students, and interviewed the teacher related to learning situation. The result of observation shows that all seven components of CTL were implemented successfully in both first and second meeting. The enthuiasm of students can be seen during process of speaking class. From pre-activities, whilst-activities, until postactivities more than 60% of students were involved actively and enthusiastically enough. While from the questionnaires, also more than 60% of students agreed that they are involved in learning process. It can be said that the teacher succeed in view of the big size of the class which contained of 44 students. Furthermore, the teacher faced some problems such as the limitation of time for preparation and also the big size of the class. Based on the data, the whole CTL components were implemented successfully enough. It can be concluded that Contextual Teaching Learning is applicable to be used as teaching method in teaching speaking. The teacher also should make maximal preparation before conduct the teaching learning process. %D 2016 %L eprints18685