creators_name: 1013117005, Misbahudin type: article datestamp: 2016-01-22 04:30:09 lastmod: 2016-01-22 04:30:09 metadata_visibility: show title: IMPROVING STUDENT’S WRITING ABILITY THROUGH CHAIN CARD GAME TECHNIQUE AT CLASS VII C IN SMPN 1 SUKOHARJO PRINGSEWU ispublished: pub subjects: General full_text_status: restricted abstract: Referring to the preliminary test that was held at the first year of SMPN 1 Sukoharjo Pringsewu, the researcher found that many students could not express their idea smoothly in written form, although they had been given the topic to write. It seems that they had difficulties to express their ideas and expand their story even though they knew what would be written. In addition, the English teacher still taught writing in conventional way and seldom used appropriate media and technique in teaching writing. The fact proves that writing is still difficult for the students besides other skills. The objectives of this research were to find out whether chain card game technique can be used to increase writing ability at the first year of SMPN 1 Sukoharjo Pringsewu. The subjects of the research were the students of class VII.C in the academic year 2011/2012.This classroom action research was done in two cycles. Each cycles consisted of 1) plan, 2) action, 3) observation and interpretation, 4) analysis and reflection. In this research, the researcher used indicator dealing with learning process and learning product. The result of the research shows that: In cycle I, the students’ activities could not achieve the target, there were only 23 students (57.5%) who did 70% of the activities in cycle 1. And also the students’ score could not achieve the target (there were only 17 students (42.5%) who scored 70 or higher that was 70% should gain seventy (70) from the students’ writing result. In cycle II, the teacher had known the students weaknesses and automatically he could give solution in teaching learning process. Consequently, the result of learning process and learning product could achieve the target in cycle II. Students’ activities there were 36 students (90%) who did 70% of the activities; it means that the indicator has been achieved. Meanwhile in learning product, there were 30 students (75%) scored 70 or higher. Referring to the result of this research, it indicates that the use of chain card game technique could increase student’s writing ability and also students’ activities in teaching writing at SMPN 1 Sukoharjo Pringsewu. date_type: published publication: Digital Library refereed: TRUE citation: 1013117005, Misbahudin IMPROVING STUDENT’S WRITING ABILITY THROUGH CHAIN CARD GAME TECHNIQUE AT CLASS VII C IN SMPN 1 SUKOHARJO PRINGSEWU. Digital Library. document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: document_url: