%A Sukaisih Sri Lestari 1113125002 %J Digital Library %T THE IMPLEMENTATION OF WHISPERING GAME TOWARD STUDENTS? VOCABULARY MASTERY AT THE SECOND SEMESTER OF SEVENTH CLASS AT SMP NEGERI 2 TALANGPADANG TANGGAMUS IN 2011/2012 %X The guide lines of KTSP 2006 of SMP Curriculum of English stated that one of the objectives of teaching English is that the students at the first year should have learned vocabulary, at least 500 words and are able to put into practice so that they can use them for communication. To help the students minimize the difficulty in learning vocabulary, the writer using Whispering game technique as an alternative technique to improve students? vocabulary mastery. This classroom action research was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisted of: planning, action, observation and reflection. In this research, the writer used indicator dealing with the learning product and learning process. The result of learning product showed the use of whispering game technique to improve students? vocabulary mastery was applicable. In cycle I, there were 14 students (42.42%) who gained score ?65, thus she conducted cycle II, and there were 30 students (90.90%) who gained score ? 65. It means that the indicator was achieved. For the learning process , that students activities , there were only 22 students (66.66%) who did 80% of the activities in cycle I, then she conducted the next cycle to meet the indicator, and in cycle II there were 30 (90.90%) who did 80% of the activities, it meant the indicator was achieved. Referring to result of the research above, it can be concluded that the use of whispering game technique is applicable to improve the students? vocabulary mastery and to increase students? involvement or activities in learning process. %L eprints18707