@unpublished{eprints18756, month = {Januari}, title = {PENGARUH PENGGUNAAN KEMENYAN (Styrax benzoin dryand) SEBAGAI INHIBITOR PEMBENTUKAN KERAK KALSIUM SULFAT (CaSO4)}, school = {Universitas Lampung }, author = {1327011017 SUPARWATY }, year = {2016}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/18756/}, abstract = {Kerak telah menjadi masalah yang cukup serius di bidang industri, terutama industri minyak dan gas. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan penambahan inhibitor kemenyan (Styrax benzoin dryand) untuk mengurangi dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh kerak tersebut. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan penambahan inhibitor terhadap kerak kalsium sulfat (CaSO4) dengan menggunakan metode penambahan bibit kristal (seeded experiment) pada konsentrasi CaSO4 sebesar 0,050 M serta variasi inhibitor sebesar 250 ppm. Analisis menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) menunjukkan bahwa morfologi pemukaan kerak CaSO4 dengan penambahan inhibitor memiliki ukuran yang lebih kecil dan pendek dibandingkan dengan tanpa penambahan inhibitor. Analisis menggunakan Particle Size Analyzer (PSA) menunjukkan bahwa distribusi ukuran partikel kerak CaSO4 menjadi lebih kecil dengan adanya penambahan inhibitor dan analisis struktur kristal CaSO4 dengan X-Ray Difraction (XRD) menunjukkan perbedaan intensitas dengan penambahan inhibitor. Penggunaan kemenyan dengan konsentrasi 250 ppm mampu menghambat pertumbuhan kristal CaSO4 0,050 M dengan metode seeded experiment sebesar 45,60 \%. Kata Kunci : Kemenyan, seeded experiment, kerak CaSO4 abstract THE USE OF Styrax benzoin dryand EXTRACTS AS INHIBITOR OF CALCIUM SULPHATE (CaSO4) SCALE FORMATION The crust has become a serious problem in the industrial sector, especially the oil and gas industry. Therefore, in this study has been the addition of inhibitors benzoin (kemenyan) to reduce the negative impacts caused by the crust. This research has been conducted addition of inhibitors to the crust of calcium sulfate (CaSO4) using the method of adding seed crystals (seeded experiment) on CaSO4 concentrations of 0.050 M as well as variations of inhibitors by 250 ppm. Based on analysis using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed that CaSO4 crystal size with the addition of inhibitors is smalle than without the addition of inhibitors. CaSO4 more fragile than without the addition of inhibitors. The analysis using Particle Size Analyzer (PSA) showed that the particle size distribution crust (CaSO4) lower with the addition of inhibitors and as well as analysis of the crystal structure by X-Ray CaSO4 Difraction (XRD) showed differences in intensity with the addition of inhibitors. The usage of Styrax benzoin Dryand (kemenyan) with concentration of 250 ppm could inhibit CaSO4 0.050 M crystal growth with seeded experiment method of 45.60 \%. Keywords: kemenyan, seeded experiment, CaSO4 crust} }