@misc{eprints1880, month = {Juni}, title = {Pengaruh Penggunaan Twitter Terhadap Pembentukan Citra Perusahaan Merpati Nusantara Pada Followers}, author = {Rahmadiana Maryudi Kelana Pusung}, address = {FAKULTAS SOSIAL DAN PIOLITIK}, publisher = {UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG}, year = {2014}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/1880/}, abstract = {In this globalization era, activities using the the service of social networks have become a neccessity to provide the need in establishing global network. The use of social media was based on various goals as a communication tool, information?s searching, promotion, etc.. Twitter is one of social medias, which currently are used excessively. The earlier function was as a communication tool, but along with the change of time now twitter is utilized as a media to create certain image by numerous companies. One of them is Merpati Nusantara Airlines. Based on that case, so that gained the problem?s formulation of this research is ?how much the influence of Twitter usage towards the figuration image of Merpati Nusantara company to the followers.? The aim of this research is based on the aforementioned problem?s formulation that is to understand how much the influence of the use of Twitter by Merpati Nusantara airlines toward the figuration of its image to the followers. The theory used is uses and effect?s theory with the quantitative research method. The data was analyzed by using linear regression with the significant percentage of 5 \%. The research?s result has showed that 1) the Twitter use has a relation about 46 \% with the image figuration of the company 2) Twitter use influences about 21,4 \% toward the image figuration of Merpati Nusantara Airlines to the followers.} }