<> "The repository administrator has not yet configured an RDF license."^^ . <> . . . "THE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’\r\nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6\r\nBANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n(A Classroom Action Research)"^^ . "ABSTRAK.\r\n\r\nThe objective of this classroom action research is to solve the problem faced by\r\nthe class teacher of grade VII F of SMP N 6 Bandar Lampung; the problem found\r\nwas that the students' vocabulary achievement was very low. The students were\r\nnot interested in learning English as the teaching learning process was quite\r\nboring for them. So the teacher needed to support the teaching learning process\r\nwith an audio visual media. The use of slide video was chosen since video is an\r\nappropriate media to stimulate and motivate the students' interest and attention in\r\nunderstanding the unknown words since video makes language more alive and\r\nmeaningful and helps to bring the real worlds into classroom. To find out whether\r\nthe use of slide video is applicable to improve the students' vocabulary\r\nachievement and to improve the students' learning activities and the teacher's\r\nperformance, the research was conducted at SMP N 6 Bandar Lampung. The\r\nsubject of the research was students of grade VII F in the academic year\r\n2009/2010.\r\nThis classroom action research was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisted\r\nof: planning, action, observation and interpretation, and analysis and reflection.\r\nTo collect the data of the learning product and learning process, the researcher\r\nused vocabulary task and observation as the instruments. He used the indicators\r\ndealing with the learning product and learning process. The result of the learning\r\nproduct showed that the use of slide video is applicable to improve the students'\r\nvocabulary achievement. The research was successful if at least 70 % of the\r\nstudents of grade VII F got score 60 or higher; it was based on the KKM (Kriteria\r\nKetuntasan Minimal). In cycle l, there were 16 students (44.44%) who gained\r\nscore ≥ 60, thus he conducted cycle 2, and there were 33 students (91.67 %) who\r\ngained score ≥ 60 it means that the indicator is achieved.\r\nFor the learning process, that is the students' activities, there were only 20\r\nstudents (55.56%) who did 80% of the activities in cycle 1, then he conducted the\r\nother cycle to meet the indicator, and in cycle 2 there were 32 students (88.89 %)\r\nwho did 80% of the activities, it means the indicator is achieved. Meanwhile, for\r\nthe teacher's teaching performance the indicator of the research is, if the teacher\r\ncan get score at least 80 for his teaching performance. The teacher got score 60 in\r\ncycle 1 , then he got 87 in cycle 2 which means that he could teach the students\r\nwell after implementing slide video. Referring to the result of the research above,\r\nit can be concluded that the use of slide video is applicable to improve the\r\nstudents' vocabulary achievement, the teaching learning process (students'\r\nactivities), and also the teacher's teaching performance."^^ . "2012-02-21" . . . . "Digital Library"^^ . . . . . . . . "Nurkodri"^^ . "0543042037"^^ . "Nurkodri 0543042037"^^ . . . . . . "THE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’\r\nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6\r\nBANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n(A Classroom Action Research) (File PDF)"^^ . . . "kesimpulan.pdf"^^ . . . "THE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’\r\nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6\r\nBANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n(A Classroom Action Research) (File PDF)"^^ . . . "pendahuluan.pdf"^^ . . . "THE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’\r\nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6\r\nBANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n(A Classroom Action Research) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "THE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’\r\nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6\r\nBANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n(A Classroom Action Research) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "THE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’\r\nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6\r\nBANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n(A Classroom Action Research) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "THE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’\r\nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6\r\nBANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n(A Classroom Action Research) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . . "THE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’\r\nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6\r\nBANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n(A Classroom Action Research) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "THE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’\r\nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6\r\nBANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n(A Classroom Action Research) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "indexcodes.txt"^^ . . . "THE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’\r\nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6\r\nBANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n(A Classroom Action Research) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "lightbox.jpg"^^ . . . "THE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’\r\nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6\r\nBANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n(A Classroom Action Research) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "preview.jpg"^^ . . . "THE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’\r\nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6\r\nBANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n(A Classroom Action Research) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "medium.jpg"^^ . . . "THE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’\r\nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6\r\nBANDAR LAMPUNG\r\n(A Classroom Action Research) (Other)"^^ . . . . . . "small.jpg"^^ . . "HTML Summary of #19008 \n\nTHE USE OF SLIDE VIDEO IN INCREASING STUDENTS’ \nVOCABULARY ACHIEVEMENT AT GRADE VII OF SMPN 6 \nBANDAR LAMPUNG \n(A Classroom Action Research)\n\n" . "text/html" . . . " " . .