@article{eprints1904, volume = {1}, month = {Juni}, title = {ETIKA BERKOMUNIKASI DALAM PENYAMPAIAN ASPIRASI}, author = {Andy Corry W }, publisher = {Fakultas ISIP}, year = {2014}, journal = {ETIKA BERKOMUNIKASI DALAM PENYAMPAIAN ASPIRASI}, url = {http://digilib.unila.ac.id/1904/}, abstract = {Abstract: communication is very fundamental in our daily activities for conveying aspiration. Many observe that the practices of such communication tend to be unethical; meanwhile there have been certain legal protections and guarantee on the freedom of expression in our country. This article discusses the importance of the ethics of communication in order to support the establishment of peaceful and harmonious interactions among community members in Indonesia. Keywords: ethical communication, aspiration, information.} }