title: POLA KOALISI PARTAI BERBASIS ISLAM (STUDI KASUS PROSES REKRUITMEN CALON WALIKOTA DAN WAKIL WALIKOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG 2010 – 2015) creator: NN, DARMAWAN PURBA subject: description: Abstrak Pemilihan kepala daerah selama ini diwarnai pembentukan koalisi dalam mengusung pasangan calon walikota dan wakil walikota, ironisnya koalisi yang terbentuk menunjukkan adanya mixing ideologi. Baik partai berbasis Islam maupun partai sekuler. Fenomena politik ini tidak sesuai dengan fungsi ideologi sebagai pengikat tali-tali gerakan politik sejenis. Pada pilkada Bandar Lampung 2010 terdapat sembilan partai berbasis Islam yang selayaknya berkoalisi ternyata tersebar pada ketiga koalisi pasangan calon yang maju melalui jalur partai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) proses koalisi; (2) motif dan pertimbangan berkoalisi; (3) kriteria dan mekanisme rekruitmen; serta (4) hambatan koalisi partai berbasis Islam. Penelitian dilaksanakan di sembilan partai berbasis Islam, yaitu: PPP, PAN, PKS, PKB, PMB, PBR, PBB, PPNUI dan PKNU. Informan penelitian adalah ketua umum partai politik berbasis Islam dan informan dari media cetak yaitu Radar Lampung dan Lampung Post sehingga mendapatkan informasi yang berimbang. Informasi dan Darmawan Purba data yang terkumpul melalui wawancara mendalam selanjutnya diolah dan dianalisis sampai penghasilkan temuan-temuan baru sebagai hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola koalisi yang dibangun partai-partai berbasis Islam lebih mengedepankan kepentingan yang sama, sehingga pola koalisi yang terjadi cenderung pragmatis dan transaksional. Beberapa indikator temuan tersebut antara lain: (1) partai-partai berbasis Islam belum menerapkan proses pembentukan koalisi secara ideal, hal ini dikarenakan ideologi belum difungsikan sebagai saringan kebijakan; (2) Motif pembentukan koalisi dipengaruhi oleh motif (a) eksistensi diri; (b) kesamaan nilai; dan (c) aktualisasi. Selain itu koalisi juga dipengaruhi terpenuhinya sejumlah kebutuhan dan kepentingan partai; (3) Kriteria dan mekanisme rekruitmen calon tidak selektif dan elitis. (4) Hambatan dalam koalisi partai berbasis Islam karena adanya perbedaan nilai, perbedaan program serta persaingan kepentingan. Kata kunci : Pemilihan Kepala Daerah, Partai Berbasis Islam, Koalisi abstract For years, the election of the region leader has always been followed by a coalition–formed to win the supported mayor and deputy major candidates, ironically the formed-coalition shows the existence of a mixing-ideology either from the Islamic-base or non Islamic-base parties. This political phenomenon has no longer appropriate with the ideology function that is, to bind the ropes of a kind political movements. In Bandar lampung leader election 2010 ago, there were nine Islamic-base political parties that were supposed to merge, but the fact shown was, they were spread to the three coalition-couple candidates that thrive through parties. This research is functioned to know (1) the coalition process; (2) the coalition motives and considerations; (3) the criteria and the mechanism of recruitment; (4) the coalition barrier of Islamic-base parties. The research was conducted to nine Islamic-base political parties, i.e: PPP, PAN, PKS, PKB, PMB, PBR, PBB, PPNUI, and PKNU. The research informants were the general head of each Islamic-base political parties and also from the Darmawan Purba mass media Radar Lampung and Lampung Post, in order that the information gathered is balance. The information and data collected through deep interview then processed and analyzed to get new founding, as the result of the research. The result of this research shows that the coalition pattern built by the Islamic-base parties set out the same importance, so that the coalition-pattern formed tends to be pragmatic and transactional. Some indicators of that founding are: (1) the Islamic-base parties has not apply the coalition process ideally since the ideology has not functioned as the policy filter; (2) the motive of coalition process that formed is influenced by (a) self existence; (b) congruity of value; and (c) actualization. Besides the coalition also influenced by meeting the parties needs and interest; (3) the criteria and the mechanism of candidates recruitment is not selective and very elitist; (4) the coalition barrier of Islamic-base parties happened because of the difference in values, programs and importance rivalry. Keywords: The Election of the Region Leader, Islamic-Base Party, Coalition date: 2012-01-23 type: Artikel type: PeerReviewed format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/19308/1/Abstrak.pdf format: text identifier: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/19308/1/Abstract.pdf identifier: NN, DARMAWAN PURBA (2012) POLA KOALISI PARTAI BERBASIS ISLAM (STUDI KASUS PROSES REKRUITMEN CALON WALIKOTA DAN WAKIL WALIKOTA BANDAR LAMPUNG 2010 – 2015). Digital Library. relation: http://digilib.unila.ac.id/19308/